Monday, October 14, 2013

Held By His Hand

I am watching big sloppy rain/snow drops/flakes come down right now. You know what I'm talking about, don't you.

It's more than just raining right now, but not quite solidly snow yet. It is, however, very wet outside. It is messy.

Life is messy!

Right now, our back yard kind of represents life. There is a lot of beauty there but there is a lot of mess as well. Sometimes the storms keep coming, even before you've healed from the last one... kind of like our poor tree in the background. It is rather scarred and battered right now, but it is still out there, still accepting moisture from the ground. Still reaching toward the sky.

This morning I am thinking about the messiness of life. We can make plans and aim for goals, but stuff comes up, storms come along that change everything. I know of a lot of friends and acquaintances going through some difficult times. Their lives maybe have taken some unexpected turns. Sometimes it is overwhelming. Maybe they are wondering if God is paying attention to their lives.

While thinking about the uncertainties we all face, both hopeful and worrisome, I stumbled upon a great verse this morning. I think I need to memorize it. I just felt like maybe some of my blog readers would find peace in this verse today as well.

Psalm 37:23-24  The LORD directs the steps of the
 godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the 
LORD holds them by the hand.

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