I picked them all up and went to work...
I used a chain stitch and hooked through each
clip at two different places so that it wouldn't
going until I felt happy with the result.
I tied it off, added a droplet of
super glue to the end knot and...
Twa La!
I thought it turned out very pretty.
It has kind of a fun and funky look I think.
Then, I decided I may as well make some paper clip earrings.
They look lovely on my tomato plant so hopefully they will look nice on someone's ears.
I put it all together and felt mighty happy with myself.
Feel free to copy this idea. Let me know what you come up with!
I'm so happy with it I am thinking of going to an
office supply store to see what else
I might want to crochet together!
Or maybe a hardware store!
Auto parts?
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