I was bouncing around the internet one day, reading blogs, and I happened upon http://yellowrosegiftscompanyblog.blogspot.com/ . I'm not even sure how I got there but it was a nice blog. This blog is about a home based business and they make scented candles, one of my favorite things! They happened to be having a contest to name a new fragrance. That sounded intriguing! If you are interested, check in on their blog now and then as they apparently do these contests from time to time. You, too, could be a winner!
They listed the main scents in their formula... "I am a blend of pine, apples and cinnamon, bayberry, a touch of holly and a hint of vanilla." Doesn't that sound yummy? So, I just tried to imagine where I'd be if I were smelling those scents. My winning entry was FOREST BAKERY. I'm kind of proud of it; can you tell?
I don't enter many online contests. The truth is, I don't enter unless it is something I really think I'd like. This contest was meant for me! Mike sometimes calls me "the nose" because I really, really like to smell nice scents.
This is not a picture of my actual nose. This is a picture of my dream nose!
Apparently, this is a legacy I've passed on to my children. One of my children, who shall remain nameless, used to say to me, whenever we were in a mall, "Momma, do you want to go smell stuff?" He enjoyed it also but now denies that and won't go with me to smell stuff anymore.
Luckily our grandaughter, Cordelia, is now a willing participant. About once a week Maria and Cordy and Mike and I meet at the mall for lunch. We have a whole routine of things we do with Cordelia there and one of those includes a stop at a scent store to smell stuff. The staff there knows us, or at least they know Cordy! I'd better make it clear that we stop at that store BEFORE Mike joins us at the mall for our lunch. He only goes into that store long enough to buy me a gift card from time to time. That's true love, huh? Apparently, most people who shop at those types of stores are estrogen producers.
Anyway, I see that Yellow Rose Gift Company also makes candles that, when melted, can be used as oils for your skin! http://yellowrosegiftsco.com/massage.html I may have to try some of that as I am always looking for help for my skin.
These people know candles and at the store site you can read interesting little tidbits of info.
(Pictures and Candle Trivia are taken directly from http://yellowrosegiftsco.com/ )

candle has a memory?
When burning a candle
for the first time, it's
suggested that you burn
it one hour for each
inch in diameter.
This will allow the pool
of wax to extend to the
outside edges and will
prevent your candle from
forming a "canyon" in
the center. Burning a
candle this way will also
set it's memory. Each
time you burn the candle
it will "remember" to
burn to it's edge.
I didn't know that, did you?
So, you ask, how do I order a Forest Bakery candle? Well, since you asked, go to
http://yellowrosegiftsco.com/ and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "fragrances". There you can read about Forest Bakery. I suppooooose you can read about other fragrances as well. Then, click back to the main page and click on Tureen Candles. There you get to write in what fragrance you prefer (forest bakery, forest bakery). As you shop around you will also see they offer bath salts, soaps, even pet shampoos!
By now you are probably wondering if this is a paid advertisement. Nope. I am just excited to be a contest winner! I appreciate that they are sending me a free candle and I wanted to pass on the "nice".
I can't wait for my prize to arrive!