Thursday, March 14, 2013

Help! I Can't Stop Pinning!

I'd like to write a thoughtful and earnest post about something intellectual and fascinating. It would make me feel cerebral if I could offer some deep insights. Maybe I could toss in some brilliant humor as well. That would be a great blog post, don't you think?

Well, too bad.

I'm much too busy on Pinterest right now. I couldn't possibly take myself away from all the "pins" leading me to useful websites. I'm learning things such as how to make houses for goats and ideas on making centerpieces out of gumballs and such.  After that maybe I just want to keep looking at photos of German Castles. Here's a cool one... art out of sticks. Actually, I thought that would be a dumb link but they have some pretty neat things. Look at this!

Yes, I'm sorry but I am simply too busy right now to write a blog post.  

P.S. If you are also addicted to Pinterest, feel free to follow onlythemanager.


Unknown said...

There are far too many pretty things on Pinterest! I have it on my phone too which makes it even more tempting just to sneak on for a 'quick' peek!

Pam said...

Hehehe, this just cracked me up. Yes, I understand; that Pinterest... it is terribly addicting. It does inspire some great ideas though doesn't it (and now I know what to do with all those spare gum balls I have in the cabinet hehehe... thanks for the tip). I have noticed my Martha Stewart magazine is even trying to make their fame on Pinterest. Life is interesting isn't it. Happy Pinning.

Blessings, Pam

Maria Rose said...

I totally think you should rescue goats and build a goat house.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
This is my first time on your post love your photos you just put on. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescape, hope you have a wonderful week with your family.

Allen said...

I like that excuse.

Sue said...

Oh,I have it on my phone as well. I'm hopeless! Thank you all for commenting. I love that!

Victoria said...

Love/Hate relationship with Pinterest as well!! Word of warning..caution.. when trying the recipes and whatever you do, don't shake raw eggs and then boil or yuck, bake them!!! Have fun!

Anne Marie said...

I remember the tiny pygmy goats at the zoo in Scottsbluff, and how Grandma Rose fell in love with them. They were so cute! How could anyone NOT love them? I think you should build a wee little house and raise pygmy goats.

Sue said...

Victoria, thanks so much for the warning!

Anne Marie, How about I leave the goat raising to you?

Anonymous said...

I do not know anything about Pinterest, but I will certainly stay away from it, as it deprived me of feasting on a thoughtful, earnest, intellectual, fascinating, cerebral, insightful blog post, imbued with brilliant humor. Rats!


Anne Marie said...

Alas, poor little goats, I won't be the raising them. I don't really like pinterest (I'm ducking now because many shoes are coming at my head), so I will not be learning how to build goat houses. I did try pinterest, and I wanted to fall in love with it; I really did. But, it just was not meant to be.

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