Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Do We Have a Life For Anyway?

So, today I have a deep question to put before you.  Mike often uses illustrations from our life in his sermons.  One of Mike's sermons began with a question that our son, Ben, asked when he was just a little guy.  

Here's a look at our young philosopher...

His questions was this:

"What do we have a life for anyway?"

Anybody have a good answer for him?  

Mike couldn't remember how he answered way back then but this time his answer pointed us to God.
I admit I don't remember the words 
Mike used but this is what I came away with...

We have a life to praise and worship God.
Our life is to be used to his glory and honor.
We have a life because God loves us.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Will Celebrate Every Day

Recently Mike and I were having a steaming morning cup of coffee together.  He was reading the paper while I was blogging.  It was a peacefully blissful morning.  He mentioned an obituary he was reading that stated a memorial service celebrating the person's life would be held but not until Summer.  Mike made some comment about the length of time before the celebration, would people remember?  Meaning to be sweet I said, "If you die before me I will celebrate every day."   

Wait, what?!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cordelia's First Day of Sunday School

At our church, children don't usually start attending Sunday School hour until they are three years old... unless their Grandma is the teacher!  I asked Maria if I could take Cordelia to Sunday School with me recently.  Maria was just upstairs so if Cordy got too scared I could text her Momma to come get her.

Cordy did NOT get scared.  She loved it!  Her attention span was a bit short as there were a lot of fun things she'd not checked out before, but she just fit right in.  She was really thrilled when her precious little friend, Madeline, came in.   I couldn't help myself from grabbing my phone to take this photo.  
The sweetness was just too much!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


 Continuing with The ABC's of Bible Memorization...

2 Corinthians 5:17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Meet Emily!

 I am so grateful to Emily for sweetly succumbing to my pleas for people willing to be interviewed.  

Let me tell you a bit about Emily.  She actually has been reading my daughter, Maria's, blog for some time.  Maria also read's Emily's blog,  Bananas & Bees.  I started reading Emily's blog at Maria's recommendation.  Now, I would recommend to you that you check it out as well.  You'll learn that Emily has a kind and patient husband, an adorable little boy and creative twin girls.  

Emily actually flew to our town last May, by herself, to meet Maria in person for the first time.  While I can't quite bring myself to recommend this, it worked out well for the two of them.  They hit it off as if they'd known each other for years!  

It happened to be the week-end our son, Sam, graduated from High School.  Although Emily had not met him before that week-end, she bravely sat through that ceremony with us.  She was also here to meet Bode the very first day we brought him home.  So you see, she's practically family.  

Here's the results of my e-mail interview with Emily:


What is your earliest memory and how old were you?
Some of my earliest memories are from my fourth birthday party.  My mom made a Holly Hobbie cake and hired a magician to come to our house and perform some tricks.  We had a handful of kids from the neighborhood there and I remember blowing out my candles.  In my mind the cake was almost too pretty to eat!

Tell me something about which you feel passionate.
I feel passionate about lots of things, but most important on my list is children.  Under this big umbrella I could list out some specific areas like childhood literacy, orphans, and mothering my own children.

Tell me something about your childhood.
I am an only child.  I think this comes with a lot of stereotypes like being spoiled or being socially awkward.  I certainly don't think I was spoiled (we always lived below our means) and I enjoyed using my imagination as I played by myself.  That being said, I had many friends and am a part of a large extended family.  I have twelve cousins on my mom's side and five cousins on my dad's side, so I was around other children all the time.

Tell me your first memory of knowing you were loved.
My mom always made sure I knew that I was loved.  I remember many moments where she displayed that love to me-- holding me when I was sad, taking care of me when I was sick, forgiving me when I said I was sorry, and hugging me when I came home from school.  There are just too many memories to list!

Tell me something that frightens you.
Crowded elevators frighten me.  I usually won't get on one.  I'll either take the stairs or wait for another elevator.

Tell me something you have accomplished that pleased you.
I was teacher of the year for our school in 2007.  That made me feel pretty proud.
What was your first job for money?
My first official job was as a cashier at Hobby Lobby. I was sixteen and worked there until I graduated high school.

Tell me about your first experience leaving home.
My first time to be away from home for an extended time was after I graduated high school.  I flew with two friends to Europe for four weeks.  I had been saving my money from my job at Hobby Lobby for a full year to pay for my ticket and have money to spend as we traveled.  We visited six countries--crashing on friends of friends' couches or staying in weird European hostels.  We even camped in a tent on the beach in Pisa, Italy for five days.  We had adventures in France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic.  It was my first time to be so far away and to be completely in charge of all of my decisions.  It was an amazing trip, and I think it prepared me to leave home to go to college a few months later.

Do you think of yourself as an organized person?  Why or why not?
Sort of.  When it comes to things like my closet or kitchen pantry I think I do a pretty good job.  When it comes to paperwork, I am a complete mess.

Tell me of a time you used your creativity.
I love to write, so my blog is one way I try to express my creativity there.

Is there a particular person who had great influence on you and if so who and how?
Of course my Mom had an incredible influence on my life.  So did my Grandmother.  But another person was my friend Kim.  I met her when I was in eighth grade and she was a sophomore in college.  We went to the same church and she helped out in the youth ministry.  I was in a slightly rebellious phase and she decided to befriend me and pour into my life in a major way. She took the time to pick me up from school, take me out for ice cream, or hosted sleepovers for me and a few of my junior high school friends.  She also led us in several Bible studies and let her own life be an example of what a Christian woman should be like.  Now that we are "all grown up" she is still one of my closest friends and I feel that her personal discipleship helped keep me on the "straight and narrow" during those precarious teen years!

Tell me something about your views on spirituality.
You know that old song "Victory in Jesus"?  It sums up what I believe-- Jesus died for my sins, was buried, and raised on the third day all according to the Scriptures. "I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory, How he gave his life on Calvary to save someone like me."

Did you go to camp as a child?  If so, do you have any fun stories to share from that time?
I grew up going to Falls Creek, a Southern Baptist youth camp in Oklahoma.  Just about everyone in the state of Oklahoma has either been to Falls Creek or has at least heard of it.  I have many, many memories of going to camp there.  The biggest thing to me at the time was the strict dress code that was enforced.  Shorts had to be to the knee-- no shorter.  And we had to wear dresses to Tabernacle services at night.  I was not into these rules at all.  Drove me nuts.  But I was completely wrapped up in myself at the time, sadly to say.

If you are married, tell about first meeting your spouse.  Was it love at first sight or did it cook up more slowly?

I met my husband Mike while we were both attending Oklahoma Baptist University.  I was a sophomore and he was a junior when we met.  I thought he was tall, dark and handsome, and I was anxious to meet him.  He was a studio art major and so was my roommate, so I got to know him through her.  We were just friends for about two months before he asked me out on our first date in September 1996. We dated for two years, got engaged in June of 1998, then got married in June of 1999.  Twelve years and three kids later, we're still going strong! :)

Tell me about your children.
I have seven year old twin girls named Hannah and Leah and a two year old son named Lucas.   

They bring me so much joy!

Tell me something about your time as an adolescent.
I was quiet and insecure most of my adolescent years.  I was obsessed with music and going to shows.  I pretty much lived in my large collection of band t-shirts, thrift store jeans and low top black Converse sneakers.

Tell me of a time you experienced loss.
Well, my most recent and most painful loss was when my mom passed away on May 3, 2011.  It has been nine months since she died and although there is something to the saying "time heals all wounds," I still miss her so much.  I still cry just about every day.  I still wish she was here and find myself thinking "I can't believe she's gone!" all the time.  I miss talking to her and spending time with her and seeing her love on my kids.  I miss going out on double dates with her and my dad.  I miss our family traditions and celebrations.  I just miss her.  BUT, as I grieve I have HOPE because I know I will see her again one day.  She followed Jesus her entire life, serving him faithfully until the day she died.  I look forward to the day I will see her again.

What do you do for a living?
From 1999-2007 I taught sixth grade language arts at a nearby middle school.  I loved it, but when I started having babies I decided to be a full time stay-at-home mom. That's what I do now and I wouldn't change it for anything!

What do you currently most enjoy to do with your free time?

Reading, cooking, baking, writing, spending time with friends or family.

Tell me something new you've recently learned.
How to take pictures on my "fancy" Canon.  Mike just bought me a new lens, so I want to work on becoming a better photographer so I can better document our family's history.

Is there something new you plan to learn?  If so, what?
I would love to learn to crochet! Oh and the photography thing too.

Whether I've asked a fitting question or not, tell me anything about yourself that you wish to tell!
One of the best things about blogging has been the relationships I have made along the way.  Like you and Maria for example!  Coming to Wyoming last May to meet you all was such an incredible trip! I hope to do it again one day! :)

Thank-you, Emily!

Anyone else willing?   If you are interested, you may see questions here.  I am enjoying these interviews.  You don't have to be someone I know for me to interview you! You may e-mail your answers to me at and I will be delighted to do a post featuring you! I will be featuring more interviews as they come in. 

Friday, February 24, 2012


I love the word "Joy".  Really, I do.  I used to wish my name were Joy.  It is a word that looks pretty, sounds nice and encompasses deep meaning.  But really, how do you define joy?  It is more than just a moment.  It is deeper than a happy feeling.  What is it?  How do you achieve it?  How do you hold onto it?  Can we claim to be joyful even in the midst of an unhappy circumstance?  Hmmm.... do I have you pondering all this yet?

I am currently reading The Disciple's Joy by Michael W. Foss.  I recommend it!  As I was reading even just the very first chapter I kept coming across some great quotes and thought-provoking remarks.  I decided I would just put together a post with some of those beginning quotes and see what comments you might have on them.  Here we go...

"Joy is not the same thing as being happy.  Our experience of happiness is a mere echo of true joy.  Being happy is a very temporary reaction to present life circumstances.  Happiness is transitory -- it arises and falls aways as our circumstances change."

"Joy breaks through the realities of our present situation, reframes the present situation in the light of God's infinite grace and love, and enables us to live both trustingly and confidently through whatever circumstances life brings our way."

" Faith takes our moments of both happiness and sorrow, collects them and arranges them into a worldview that sees God's hand in all things.  Therein is joy."

"Joy transforms our experiences of personal pain to purpose."

"Joy integrates the present into a much larger vision of life as a whole."

See what I mean?  Do those quotes speak to you as they do to me?  I am anxious to finish reading this book and to better understand where he is going with all this.  Mike and I will be attending a workshop by this author and I think it will be a good one!  I will let you know more about it later.  In the meantime, I'm getting back to my Kindle edition of it.  I have more reading to do!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

An Interview With Maria Rose

I know this next interviewee quite well.  In fact, I have known her since before she was born.  Yes, today I am featuring an interview from our daughter, Maria Rose. 

Maria was actually my inspiration for blogging.  When she first started blogging I couldn't imagine why she would want her diary on the internet.  After I started reading it, though, I loved it!  Her blog, Little Things are Big, is always uplifting.  She never, ever rants.  She tries to highlight the actions of others in a kind way and she focuses on the sweet blessings of this life.  I love reading it and I think you will as well!

Before I begin with the interview, it is important to me that you understand about her name.  Maria is pronounced like Mariah.  It may seem to you that we should have just spelled it with an h on the end but she was named after Mike's grandma and so we stuck with that Norwegian spelling and pronunciation.  Also, we lived in Turner, MT at the time and most everyone there had known Mike's grandma so it was not unusual there.  Her middle name, Rose, is after my grandma (the same Grandma for whom our Wyoming Rose Boutique was named).  Having explained all the effort we put into her name, I will also tell you that when she was a baby there were people who called her Georgette.  She looked a lot like Mike's Dad, George.

Besides being my daughter, Maria and I work together as shop owners.  We have a lot of fun shopping for vintage treasures as well as designing and handcrafting our original designs.  It is a joy for me!  She also is a beautiful model for our products!

Maria is married to Eric, a supreme son-in-law.  She is mother to the delightful Cordelia Rose and she is expecting our 2nd grandchild in July.  If you check out her blog be sure to weigh in on the baby-guessing game on the left side of her post!  They hope to find out March 1 whether it is a girl or a boy!

My interview with Maria...

What is your earliest memory and how old were you?
My earliest memory is just before I turned 2, or so you once told me that's how old I was. I remember a red windbreaker, my friend Jennifer and running. Mostly my memory is just the feel of the windbreaker.
Tell me something about which you feel passionate.
I feel extremely passionate about veganism. I feel that there is enough suffering in this world and if I can lessen my part in that cycle of suffering I will. Ultimately food is purely fuel, you poop it out---is that worth the suffering and death of a sentient being? I am heartsick when people say, “I can’t give up (meat, cheese, eggs, etc.).” I just grit my teeth and think, “No…you won’t give up (meat, cheese, eggs, etc.)” When I learned about the facts of the animal industry there was no turning back I felt morally obligated to become vegan. With that said I no longer try to actively convert people, they have to come to it on their own. My efforts to that end have only broken my heart.
Tell me something about your childhood.
I had a wonderful childhood. My parents made me feel loved, supported, protected and encouraged. My siblings were and still are so very important to me. I had a happy childhood and I truly believe that has been the foundation for my whole life.
Tell me of an experience from your past that was incredible or amazing to you.
Well, I suppose the most transformative experience was becoming a parent-which happened in stages. Everything had greater weight. The world was more…just more.
Tell me your first memory of knowing you were loved.
I don’t have a first memory of love. I always felt love from before I knew anything else.
Tell me something that frightens you.
Losing my family.
Tell me something you have accomplished that pleased you.
I try to be pleased with all of my accomplishments, from the way I stacked the dishes this morning (it was a sight to behold) to completing my MA.
When you were most recently with a group of people did you feel as though you fit in or not?  Why or why not?
I don’t ever feel like I fit in, not really. I have always felt like I am just a bit off, a little quirky. I used to be troubled by this, but now it is part of who I am. I am happy to be a little on the outside. I feel like I have a unique perspective.

What was your first job for money?
Baby-sitting. I even started my own babysitters club though truthfully I just wanted to buy office supplies and boss my friends around.
Tell me about your first experience leaving home.
Oh, that was so difficult. I left for college. I was so excited to be out in the adult world. Of course it was hard to leave my parents and brother Ben, but leaving Sam, who was 6 about broke my heart. Thankfully I had my then boyfriend, now husband, going to the same college. We really supported each other through the change into adulthood.
Do you think of yourself as an organized person?  Why or why not?
Most people think I am organized, but it comes with great effort and determination. I am not a naturally organized person. My inclination is to toss clothes on the floor, stack dishes in the sink and leave piles all over. However, after years of effort I have really managed to control my messy tendencies and I keep a neat house…my closet is even organized. My end goal is to be clean, have only things I use or love and to avoid piling things up.
Tell me of a time you used your creativity.
I always use my creativity…why wouldn’t I? Everything is more interesting if you use creativity.
Is your adult life different than you expected?  If yes, how so?
Oddly I spent much of my childhood and teen years dreaming of adulthood abstractly. I never really had a clear vision of who or what I wanted to be. Thankfully adulthood has given me many gifts so I suppose it is much better than I could have dreamed.
Is there a particular person who had great influence on you and if so who and how?
My parents…they made me who I am. The Copelands…they helped me to find who I am.
Tell me something about your views on spirituality.
I believe in God.
Did you go to camp as a child?  If so, do you have any fun stories to share from that time?
I did go to camp. My camp nickname was Bob, because I introduced myself as Bob…apparently I was hilarious as a 12 year old. I also remember my counselors wearing very modest sports bras on a hike deep in the forest surrounded only by girls and I was scandalized by it.
If you are married, tell about first meeting your spouse.  Was it love at first sight or did it cook up more slowly?
When I first met Eric he came by the junior high (he was a high schooler)and he was wearing black fishnet stockings on his arms and legs, tall boots and all black. Black crimped hair, black lipstick, black nail polish. I had just moved to the area from small town Montana and I had NEVER seen anything so strange in all of my life. He was super nice, but he was “dating” my friend. I did keep tabs on him for years as we were in the same circle of friends, but always on opposite ends. When we finally started dating a few years, and style changes, later everyone was kind of like, “why didn’t we think of putting those two together sooner?” It just made sense.
Tell me about your children.
Cordelia is two. She is one of the best gifts I have ever been given. She has made me a better person, brought me closer to my spouse and family. I am thankful for every moment with her. 

I am pregnant with our second, and last, child. I expect to find my life transformed once again. I can’t wait to meet this child and complete our family. We’ve been waiting for this!

I also have had two miscarriages, they are the children I have yet to meet.
Tell me something about your time as an adolescent.
I was awful, but I am so thankful that I was. I wouldn’t change a moment of it for fear that it would change my present.
Tell me of a time you experienced loss.
I have lost family and friends to accidental death, murder, age, illness—but the time I felt loss most deeply (thus far)was with a dog I never had. 

I had spent some time volunteering at an animal shelter when I first started college. Cocoa was a dog that had been in this no-kill shelter for quite some time. She was totally unapproachable and constantly in terror. I began to work with her every day and over the course of time she began to trust again. Eventually we felt that she might even be adoptable. I wanted to adopt her so badly, but I couldn’t I was about to move to Montana and had no home. 

When we found a woman to adopt her I was overjoyed. I interviewed her and had her sign a contract stating that she would return Cocoa to the shelter if it didn’t work out. I got her into her new home and left for my honeymoon. When I returned I found that the woman had put her to sleep---for no reason. I was heartbroken. I still am and I always will be.
What do you do for a living?
I kind of get the best of both worlds. I am a stay at home mom, but I also teach a couple of classes at the local college. I have a master’s degree in art history, but I wouldn’t say my part time work is really making me a living.
What do you currently most enjoy to do with your free time?
I like to spend time outside exploring and creating with my daughter, dog and husband.
Tell me something new you've recently learned.
I have learned metal stamping, it’s pretty cool and easy once you have the right tools.
Is there something new you plan to learn?  If so, what?
I have a looooong list! Currently I am reading up on canning.

Thanks, Maria, for agreeing to this interview.   If you are interested, you may see questions here.  I am enjoying these interviews.  You don't have to be someone I know for me to interview you! You may e-mail your answers to me at and I will be delighted to do a post featuring you! I will be featuring more interviews as they come in. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pardon My Lenten Smile

So why am I starting my Ash Wednesday Post with a picture from Christmas?  Well, I think I am trying to remind myself that we don't have one without the other.  Tonight this church will begin to fill with people again, but they will not have the same spirit of rejoicing that we have for Christmas.  However, I think we need to remember that we don't have Lent if Jesus isn't born of a virgin.  That sweet little baby in the precious manger scene shown here is the same Son of God who came to be man and to die a miserable death to wipe away our guilt.  We need to know and appreciate the entire story, not just the fun parts.

We don't have Easter if Jesus doesn't first teach us who he is and who we are through him.  We don't get to Easter without learning the suffering that led to it.  And for me, it is all about Easter.  I can't wait for Easter!  But for now, I need to settle down and focus on Lent.

At our church this year we have a theme, "Christ in the Strangest Places".  We join with two other congregations for our Lent Services.  I can't wait to hear what they do with that theme!  I'll update you when I know more!

I grew up in the church, but not in one that observed Lent.  Lent isn't something mandated Biblically, but rather a tradition incorporated as a way to help us focus on Jesus' life and teaching, including his pain and suffering.  It is considered a "season" of the church calendar year.

Mostly what I knew about Lent as a child was that a lot of people did not eat chocolate.  I also noted that some of the fast food chains offered fish sandwiches on Fridays as some follow the custom of no meat but fish on Fridays.  I've learned that the whole idea beyond giving up something, anything, for Lent is to remind us that Jesus gave up everything for us.  Lent is not considered a happy time, but rather a thoughtful time.  I once had a button, though, that said, "Pardon my Lenten Smile".  I liked that.  I can't go around with a long face for 6 weeks!  Maybe that is because I know how the story ends.  As Cordelia said to me during that scary Strawberry Shortcake Movie,  "Don't worry Grandma.  Everything will be ok in the end."

One year Mike talked about adding something for Lent, instead of focusing on deprivation.  I liked that!  I like the idea of adding prayer time or adding more time for devotions or adding a good deed or something like that.  What do you think of that idea?  Do you have any good ideas for adding something to your life for Lent?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Novice No More

Guess What?!  I just learned to take photos of myself with my new Acer Iconia Tablet!  Also, I just figured out how to transfer them to my wounded laptop.  For you younger readers, you probably think I should've instinctively known how to do that, huh?  But I am middle-aged and for my readers who are in that category, you know exactly how proud I am of myself at this moment, don't you?  

And, as I decided this was a reasonably good hair day, I just kept taking more 

and more

photos of


OK, enough of that!  

I am celebrating!

I have been blogging for a year!  Actually, I just missed my anniversary.  I was thinking it was coming up but I just checked back to my first post and it was February 20, 2011.   It was kind of a strange post, but I just sat down and started blogging about what was going on that evening.  Truthfully, I didn't think I would keep up with it all.  

At first I didn't want my name to be attached to my blog.  I went by Orange Paisley.  Funny, huh?  Well, I like orange, I like paisley, and together they just seem like me.  It made sense to me at the time.

According to my stats, my all-time most read post was A Change of Heart.  That was my recent interview with my friend, Allen, who received a heart transplant.  I was kind of pleased with myself for the title choice but Allen was responsible for the rest of the article.  Thanks, Allen!

My second most popular post was Breath of God.  I've no real good explanation for that but it makes me happy.  Again, I had very little to do with that one as it is the lyrics to a song that I did not write.  I did not even come up with the title!  See how easy it is to be a blogger?

When I started my blog I didn't really tell anyone except Maria.  She was the one who introduced me to blogging and she was the first to leave a comment for me, followed by Momma CupKate.  Thanks, Kate!  It was quite awhile before I even told Mike I was doing this!

Looking back, I can see how Cordelia has grown and that we've made some progress with Bode.  I've told embarrassing stories and introduced you to members of my family.  I have asked you to help me name my craft room and even drug you through a terrible tutorial.  

I don't have any good explanation for why I have kept up with blogging.  I was horrible at keeping up with my children's baby books, I can't seem to put photos into albums, I still haven't done Christmas Cards from 2011 and I have projects tucked all over the house that I've not completed.  I do love working on my computer and I love to write, though, so maybe I've finally found my "thing". I no longer fall asleep at night wondering if I'll have anything to write about the next day.  I just enjoy writing this blog.  Thanks for checking in and reading it!

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tutorial - How to Disable Word Verification on Blogger

Before I begin my tutorial I would like to start with an icicle photograph from my deck this morning.  I hope no neighbors were looking out as I was on the deck in my flannel jammies flashing my camera before the sun was quite up.  They are probably used to that kind of behavior from me I suppose.

Yes, it is Winter in Wyoming again.  I don't mind so much this time of year as I know it won't last too long.  We've really had a mild winter.  Isn't it beautiful here today?

OK, now on to some technical details...

 As I mentioned a few days ago, the Word Verification feature is MUCH more difficult lately.  The letters are smooshed together and mixes of black and white.  I have trouble distinguishing an ol from a d for instance.

I took the word verification feature off my blog some time ago.  I'm not saying that everyone should do that but I've not had any real problems.  I also removed the comment moderation feature so that your comments on my blog should show up right away.  That may have been a questionable choice on my part but I'm wild that way.  I've had a few comments that were spam, but they were kind of entertaining.  They usually have a word or two in them that coincides with my post, enough that I struggle to make sense of it, but the sentences are usually a big strange.  When I click on the link of the person who left the message (I ALWAYS do that, by the way.) I find an advertisement.  I just delete the comment at that point.  If I ever get vulgar comments I suppose I will reinstate the comment moderation feature.

 When I posted on the trouble I was having with reading the Word Verification words on other's blogs I learned that I was certainly not the only one annoyed by the changes.  I received a comment from Trisha that she didn't like it but she couldn't figure out how to disable it.  I was kind of baffled because when I disabled mine, it was easy.  I decided to go back to remember how I did it so that I could tell Trisha.  That is when I discovered that with the new Blogger interface that option isn't displayed anymore.  I've no idea why that is gone but this morning I whipped up a quick tutorial on how to get around that problem.

1.  When logged onto your own blog site, click Design.

2. Click on the little Settings Wheel and scroll down to choose Old Blogger Interface.

3.  Once you are at the old interface, choose Settings.

4.  Click on Comments.

5.  Scroll down on that screen and you will find this question regarding word verification.  As the saying goes, "Just Say No!"  I mean, if you want, that is.  I'm not going to judge you if you wish to continue requiring the word verification feature.  I am sure you have your reasons.  

6.  Oh my!  I almost forgot, you MUST scroll on down and click SAVE SETTINGS!  That SAVE feature is something I have learned the hard way.  Did I ever tell you about the time Mike used my phone to snap a photo of me with the singer, Michael Martin Murphey?  He had his arm around me!  I LOVED his music as a teenager and the 15 yr. old in me was sooooo excited about that moment!  My brother was also a Michael Martin Murphey fan and I was totally planning to send that photo to him to rub it in that he'd had his arm around me!  Well, Mike handed the camera back to me and I could see that the photo was very cool.  I did NOT touch SAVE, though, and I lost the photo!  Anyway, lesson learned.  I don't think my brother believes me but I really, really did have that photo!  ANYWAY, please select the save button.

7.  When all is well, simply go back to the top of the screen and click on Try the updated Blogger interface and you are good to go!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


If you have been keeping up with the ABC's of Bible Memorization you are definitely on the downhill slope.  Yay!  Remember, anyone who lets me know they've memorized all of the verses will receive a handmade gift from me, just to show you how happy I am for you!  

If you've not even begun, not to worry, you can still catch up.  I think most of us are capable of memorizing a lot more than we think we can.  Why not give it a try?

We are on the letter R this week...

Joel 2:13 Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love…

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I May Be a Robot

 Seriously, I am finding it harder and harder to prove that I am not a robot.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Small and the Tall of It

Recently I was riding in the car with Sam and we passed a middle school just after dismissal.  Sam was looking at all those kids and asked, "Was I ever really that small?"  Sam is probably 6'3" now, maybe more but he doesn't want me to measure him.  At any rate, he's tall!

(Photo by E.K. Wimmer)

But the answer, Sam, is yes.  You were as small as those kids and even smaller. 

I still remember.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yesterday was a simply sweet day.  I went over to pick up Maria and Cordelia for a morning out.  First, though, Cordy let me know that it was her "pretend birthday".  So, we went up to her sweet little girl room and ate pretend birthday cake and then I sang "Happy Pretend Birthday Dear Cordelia".  She was pleased but needed to rest for a minute before we headed out.

We then went to search for vintage treasures for Wyoming Rose Boutique.  We found some new dandies.  Maria will clean them and look for any needed repairs and they will soon be found here.  I also found a few new tops and after I clean them and look for any needed repairs they will soon be found in my closet.

Next, on to Hobby Lobby.  That place is like a magnet to us!  Cordelia was so pretty and sweet, she looked almost angelic.  As I put her in the shopping cart she sweetly said, "I'm going to toot in the cart!"  I think that is enough about that.

We always enjoy Hobby Lobby but it is really a dangerous place.  We both already have so many projects going, yet I found myself saying things like, "Maybe we need to learn to quill."  We had to step away from the quill display, realizing we needed to keep our focus.  I just love learning a new craft, but I was there on a specific mission.  I was looking for fancy strings or tiny yarns.  I'll update you on what that is for in the near future!

We took our PBJ's and ate a sack lunch at church with Mike.  After we ate Cordelia was feeling good!  There was some piano-playing, dancing and playing of follow-the-leader.

After dropping off the girls I took the lazy route home just to get a glimpse of the river.  It changes daily but I always feel a little refreshed just by seeing it.   

Later in the afternoon Mike called.  His sister, Karen, and her husband, Gregg, were in town.  Sam came with me and we all met at the mall for some visiting time.  It's nice that we live within just a few hours of them now so we are able to get together more than we have in years past.

Mike had to work late last night so I worked on a project for Hospice.  I am on a committee to set up resources for pediatric hospice care.  I do not look forward to caring for a pediatric patient in a hospice setting but I want to be fully prepared when that day arrives.  Just reading the material makes me weep.  I can not imagine being a parent of a dying child... or maybe I can, but I don't want to.

Well, I started off with a fluffy, happy post but I sure ruined the mood with that last paragraph!  Sorry.

I hope you have a lovely day today.  Does anyone have any big plans for the week-end?

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

She is Beautiful!

Last night our son-in-law, Eric, wanted to surprise Maria with an evening out.  You know what that meant!  Yes!  We got to be entertained by a beautiful little girl!  I know for certain that she is beautiful because that was the first thing she told me on arrival, "I am beautiful!"   You see, as Maria was getting fancied up for her night out, Cordelia wanted to do the same. 

Mental note to self: never ask a two year old to smile for a picture.

We had a fun evening.  Cordy has the sweetest manners.  She asked "please" and said "thank-you" and gave lots and lots of hugs.  

Cordelia wanted to watch Strawberry Shortcake but also wanted to eat supper.  What's a grandma to do?  Easily resolved, just bring the high chair into the living room!  Oh come now, don't judge me.  The rules are different at Grandma's house!

Cordy snuggled with me for the scary part of the movie.  Yes, there are scary parts in Strawberry Shortcake movies!  She patted me saying, "Don't worry Grandma.  Everything will be ok in the end."

Grandpa came home and all was well with Cordelia's world...

... and our's.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

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