I had a problem at work yesterday. You know I like to wear a cross to work every day. Yesterday, though, it just wasn't hanging right. Every time I looked down, my cross necklace was stuck awkwardly to my name badge.
This cross is from Africa and I love it. It was a gift from a friend of mine who travels to many countries and she often brings me crosses from those countries. Isn't that sweet? This necklace, however, has a lot of metal in it. My name tag has a magnet. You see my problem? I was kind of annoyed by it, actually.
Later, when I went by a mirror, I noticed that necklace clinging to my "Susan, RN" tag yet again. Suddenly, I realized that maybe this was kind of neat. It can't be bad to have the cross clinging to your name, can it? I decided to think of it as Jesus staying close to me, even when I'm not paying attention. Cool, huh?