Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Grandparenting Up Close

Is there anything better than holding a sweet child in your arms while reading a book about baby animals?  I think not.

Mike took this photo one recent evening when Cordelia spent a few hours with us.  When she comes over, she is a delight the entire visit.  She doesn't throw fits for us or cry when her parents leave.  She's delighted with almost any little thing we do and she frequently, without prompting, tells us she loves us and gives us powerful little girl hugs. 

This tiny charmer is super smart as well!  Riding in the car yesterday she wanted to discuss each turn, usually correctly stating whether we were going left or right.  She knew the way to the mall!  We were going there for our usual "mall lunch", a weekly ritual.  This lunch was special, though.  We were meeting Mike's sister, Karen, who was in town for some appointments.  Cordelia was planning ahead.  She told me she was going to give Karen a BIG hug.

Time with Cordelia is one of my greatest joys.  It makes me feel rather guilty, though.  During most of the years our children were young we lived a great distance from either of their grandmothers.  I have to say I don't think I really got it.  Now I know what exquisite delight it is to be able to see this little person many times each week and I am so sorry that Grandma Carol and Grandma Grace did not get that with our children. 

I think there was a lot of good in the way things were in the past, when many generations of family lived in the same area.  Don't get me wrong.  I love that my children have so many opportunities and can follow their dreams.  I would never want to deprive them of that.  My own mother never ever made me feel guilty for following mine. 

I also know that with our 3 children, it is unlikely that I will be able to always live close to all my future grandchildren.  I guess that is why I am savoring every moment I can right now.  I have come to appreciate "moments" so much more than I ever did before.  I'm just very, very grateful for this chance at up-close grandparenting.  I see it for the precious gift that it is.   

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