There is NOT enough compassion in this world.
Why are some people so very caring and others only interested in themselves?
At what age does compassion begin?
Is it a learned trait?
Do we all develop compassion and then some lose it?
Or do some just never develop compassion?
What do you think?
I don't know all the answers but I do know that it can begin at quite a young age.
Cordelia is not quite 22 months old but she seems to have a sense of compassion.
Remember my wounded shin? It's not been all that painful and I often forget that it is there. Cordy, however, has been quite concerned...perhaps even obsessed.
(Just in case you've forgotten)
Cordelia also found a little scratch on my other leg. She'd point to that one and say, "Little Owie." She'd then move to the leg with stitches, point and say with a bigger voice, "BIIIIG Owie!" Then, she'd look me in the eyes with her face sweetly concerned and say, "Be careful!" Or maybe something more like, "Be caowful!"