Wednesday, July 20, 2011



There is NOT enough compassion in this world.

Why are some people so very caring and others only interested in themselves?

At what age does compassion begin?

Is it a learned trait?


Do we all develop compassion and then some lose it?

Or do some just never develop compassion?

What do you think?

I don't know all the answers but I do know that it can begin at quite a young age.
Cordelia is not quite 22 months old but she seems to have a sense of compassion. 

Remember my wounded shin?  It's not been all that painful and I often forget that it is there.  Cordy, however, has been quite concerned...perhaps even obsessed.

(Just in case you've forgotten)

Cordelia also found a little scratch on my other leg.  She'd point to that one and say, "Little Owie."  She'd then move to the leg with stitches, point and say with a bigger voice, "BIIIIG Owie!"  Then, she'd look me in the eyes with her face sweetly concerned and say, "Be careful!"  Or maybe something more like, "Be caowful!"

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