Yesterday I stopped over to pick up Maria (daughter) and Cordelia (grandaughter) for a quick shopping trip. We were searching for a few craft supplies. Neither of us have great shopping stamina except when going to thrift stores or any store that sells craft or sewing supplies. Then, it is hard to get us out!
Before we left their house Cordelia wanted to show me her style on her new "motorcycle". She was wearing her new blue hat that she specifically requested her Momma make for her. As she did her performance she kept saying, "I'm a silly girl!"
At the end she dramatically threw her hat to the floor and seemed pretty exhausted by her performance. I enjoyed the show but I kind of hope her motorcycle stunt performing is a stage she passes through quickly.
Cordelia has a lot on her mind and she doesn't keep much of it to herself. I love listening to her talk! She talks about what we are doing at the moment, "We're driving up the hill. We're driving down the hill." She talks about the past, "We had pink cupcakes for my birthday." She talks about the future, "Can I be 5?" She's grateful, "Thank-you sweet Grandma." She's spiritual, "Bye-bye Baby Jesus." The last one was her comment as we walked away from a nativity scene on display at a store.
At one of the stores we visited yesterday I purchased some books on sale. Each were listed at around $2. As I went through the check-out they rang up at only a penny each! I pointed out the error to the clerk and offered to go back to the original display to give her the exact sale prices. She told me that since than rang up for a penny that is what I'd be charged. I protested and told her that certainly wasn't right but she wouldn't budge. I felt rather guilty but I have to admit I kind of wished I'd picked up more sale books. Is that wrong? Anyway, here are the books I purchased...
I was so excited I started a project with the fleece right away. If you know how I roll, though, you know that I usually don't follow a recipe or a pattern. I use them for a germ of an idea but I always think I have a cooler or easier way and start making changes until the finished project barely resembles the original. Sometimes it works out well but there are many, many times I make things more difficult for myself. I was taking photos as I worked last night. It was to be an hour project and I was planning on showing you the tutorial this morning. However, it turned out to be the tutorial of calamity. I'm still trying to make it work so check back tomorrow to see the WORST TUTORIAL EVER!