Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wyoming on a Monday

Like many pastors, Mike takes Monday as his day off.  That's the theory anyway.  His day off yesterday started and ended with work.  He also made a hospital visit in the the late afternoon but I used my persuasive skills to convince him to take a middle-of-the-day break.  Mike is not a workaholic, he's just got a lot on his plate right now.  I understand that but now and then the man just needs a break.

So, we loaded up Bode and went for a drive.  We decided to have lunch in a little town not far away.  As we cruised around we saw several little restaurants from which to choose.  It tickled me that many of their signs had the name of the restaurant with "& pizza" tacked on.

It was nice to go into a restaurant and NOT know exactly what it was going to look/smell/sound like inside.  Do you know what I am talking about?  It just seems the chain restaurants are taking over and they hold very few surprises anymore.  The little restaurant we chose felt pretty broke-in, but charming.

Mike was starting to get the hang of this "taking a break" idea so after lunch we just did some exploring.  We went to a sweet park.  I got out to take some photos while Mike waited in the vehicle with Bode.  I liked how this fence had accommodated the trees around it... or had the trees accommodated the fence?

I wanted to photograph this cool old railroad trestle.

As it turned out, the tracks were no longer there.  It had been incorporated into a lovely walking path.

When I finally took enough photos (oh yes, there are MANY more) I headed back to Mike.  He looks innocent but he drove right at me!  He also enjoyed doing the stop-start-stop-start thing to make it tricky to get back inside.  He tried washing the windshield in an effort to mess up my photo of him, all the while looking sweetly supportive.

We found a road named

and Mike was intrigued.  He turned around and off we went on another leg of our little adventure.  It was a good choice.  There were many weird rock formations, which seems to be kind of a theme in Wyoming.

There were wild turkeys as well.

After roaming a bit more we went back into town where I enjoyed seeing a little store with a sign that said "We buy junk and sell antiques".  Does that make you laugh?

I am guessing this mural is a one-of-a-kind.

We went into a movie rental store that was also an ice cream parlor.  We picked up some ice cream cones and headed out for more adventure.  We drove past a LOT of windmills.  In fact, they went on and on and on and on and on and we never saw the end of them.

We explored yet another little town.  It didn't really feel like a town but rather more of a cluster of ranchettes or something.  Most people had horses in their backyards.  The sign said it was a town and one of the houses had a sign out front that declared it to be the Town Hall.  Who am I to argue?

We stopped to let Bode out to go to the bathroom as at this time we'd been gone from home for several hours.  He didn't go.  What kind of male dog hates to go potty away from home?  That's just weird.

He did enjoy wrestling with his tether.

So, that was our little break in the middle of the day.  Thanks for coming along!

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