Friday, December 02, 2011

Isn't Blogging an Odd Thing to Do?

Do you remember when you first heard about blogging?  I think my friend, Pam, showed me my first blog.  It was written by an oncology nurse, just as Pam & I, and reading the blog was kind of like reading our own thoughts.  You can take a peek at that blog here if you'd like.  I still check in on that blog from time to time but I have to limit myself.  I said it was like reading our own thoughts as nurses, and it is, but it focuses on the heavy thoughts most of the time.  I needed some balance.

When our daughter, Maria, started blogging I didn't get it.  Why would she want to write about her day for the whole world to read?  Weren't diaries supposed to be locked and hidden under your bed or something?  When I read it, though, I got it.  Her blog, Little Things are Big, was just the balance I needed.  Her blog is well titled as she tries to focus on the moments of life that meld together to make a life precious and worthwhile.  I was hooked!  She has a real writing talent and a lovely outlook on life.

Pam eventually started her own blog as well.  Since she moved away, it is fun for me to follow her and see what is going on in North Dakota.  She has a sense of humor that I "get" and I usually end up smiling when I read her blog.  Check her's out here.

I am not sure why I decided to start a blog.  When I first started, I did not tell anyone.  It was less scary to think about strangers happening upon it than to think of "my people" reading it.  Finally, I told Maria.  She was very supportive so I decided to let me secret out of the bag. 

I was home recovering from my year-long bout of clostridium Difficile when I started writing.  I had lots of time on my hands.  I used some of that time to read blogs written by others.  I had no idea so many people wrote blogs!  It was easy to find blogs to read.  I'd just click on the name of someone who commented on Maria's blog and from there I could read that person's blog.  Then, I'd click on the name of someone who'd commented on that blog and I'd be led to yet another person's blog.  It isn't hard at all.

Along the way I have found that some blogs are more interesting to me than others.  Some bring me down and so I don't tend to go back to them much.  I made a choice to follow only blogs that somehow give me strength or make me laugh or open my mind.  There are enough influences in life that lead us down the path of self-pity, anger or despair.  I don't need more of that.

Since going back to work I do not check in with my favorite blogs as often as before but I still enjoy taking time to sit down and catch up.  I find myself wondering what Victoria has cooked up or how Emily and her family are doing.  I can check in on my son-in-law at We Dug Trenches, which isn't really a blog but he has some great photography there and I wanted to include it.  I cried when Janine and her family had to endure the death of her son but I rejoice as she speaks of healing.  Through Janine I met her sister, Niqui.  These sisters live in South Africa and I am not likely to meet either of them in this life, but they have come to be people that I hold up in prayer.  Another blog I check in on is Affectionknit, written by another Lutheran pastor's wife.  She and her family will be leaving their parish in North Dakota to move closer to family.  I know just the pain/joy she is experiencing over this decision!  Other blogs I follow include Hearth and Home and The Inspired Housewife.  I love to check in with Be Still and Know, written by an American doctor/mother/Christian.  She and her family moved to Uganda this year!

There are more blogs that I love as well.  I'm running out of time so I can't list them all but if you are interested, their recent posts show up on my blog page.  Just click!  You can also click on the names of people who have commented on this blog and just click on their names.  A profile will pop up and if they have a blog it will be listed.  Click on that and you'll find their blog....easy!

I have found that writing a blog has really made me pay attention to my own life more.  That may sound odd but it is true.  I also carry a camera more often and I've noticed that I really see beauty around me more easily when I am carrying the camera.  I'm terrible at putting photos in albumns and won't even try to scrapbook, but documenting our days on the blog comes easily.  I don't know why but it works for me.

When you have your own blog you can also look at your stats.  I was stunned to learn that I had readers from all over the world.  Think of it!  If we are reading blogs of people in different countries, perhaps it will make us all see more of what we have in common as humans and realize we are all in this life together.   Maybe we will learn to be more kind to one another. 

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

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