Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Photographs

We have a weird family tradition of going out for Chinese food just before our Christmas Eve Service.  That started the first year we came to Wyoming.  Mike was doing two evening services with just a little time in between for a meal.  Since there was a Chinese buffet nearby, that was where we went.  Since our congregation moved to a larger facility we can all fit for just one service.  Still, we choose to go out for Chinese.  It may be weird but it works for us.

A big part of our Christmas celebration is our worship service at our church.  I love it.  We sing... a lot!  I like that.  Our church was full.  It was fun to see people we haven't seen for awhile. I enjoy seeing all the grown children who have come back for the holiday.  Mike's sermon was about children and how they can accept their gift of faith with such simplicity.  Near the end Mike told the story I'd told on my blog here.  He include those photos up on the big screen.  Cordelia likely hadn't seen those photos before and when she saw herself up there her reaction was great concern! I was surprised but she had a worried look on her face and repeatedly said, "Why is that me?" It was sweet.

One of the traditions during our service is the lighting of candles.  Everyone gets a little candle in a holder, the ushers light the candles of those seated by the aisles and soon we've passed the light down the rows and the room looks beautiful!  Then, we sing Silent Night.  It's a tender part of the tradition.

After the service, it is time for some photographs, home to finish Christmas Day preparations then off to bed.  Tomorrow I will tell you more about our Christmas Day.

My friend, Allen, would appreciate your thoughts and prayers today as he is back in the hospital. Please pray for his comfort.  Also, the whole holiday season, joyful for many, can be especially difficult for others. Some are dealing with a loss while others are just far from family and friends and feeling lonely.  I want you to know that I do not take for granted what I have here and now.  I wish you peace.  

Special thanks to Maria, Eric and Jim C. for taking photographs Christmas Eve

I don't often get photographed with my "baby", Sam.
I love him.

It was a happy night.

Elise was ready to be done but Cordelia and I were feeling the joy!

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