Friday, February 06, 2015

From Forest to Hockey Rink

Mike and I just returned this week from a wonderful vacation in North Carolina. We went there to visit Ben and Sara, our son and daughter-in-law. We had a great time there! I took a lot of photos, not all of which turned out quite as I'd hoped. Still, I have some good ones to share.

We always enjoy pleasant hikes near Ben and Sara's house and that was our first order of business. These photos were taken as we were walking into Duke Forest. It was pretty cool and windy but still so pretty and I was so happy to be with Ben and Sara. Their little dog, J-rake, led the way when allowed. I was impressed when Ben called out, "J-rake, Caboose!" That cool little dog stopped, walked backwards a few steps as we walked forward and then walked behind us all.

I enjoyed this area where the layers of grasses, little evergreens and then bigger trees lined up in order. The contrast was pleasing to me.

Just a pretty, crisp day and a stroll with our far-away kids. I felt so happy.

Later that evening we went to see the St. Louis Blues play the Carolina Hurricanes. We're talking hockey here people.  I'm not exactly a hockey fan but I was pleased we got to attend as I AM a Mike fan and this made him very happy.  I don't know that Ben and Sara are hockey fans in general but they seemed to have fun. For some ridiculous reason they felt  that since they live in North Carolina, they ought to cheer for the North Carolina team. They are lucky we acknowledged them at all!

The hockey game started right off with the St. Louis Blues making two goals. For those of you who follow hockey, you know that sometimes those games can go a looooooong time without a score. As it turned out, it was a pretty exciting game and I had fun as well.

And, yes, the Blues won!

I'll stop here for now but the vacation got even better the next day!

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