Thursday, April 28, 2011

Only 1 Day Left!

My son-in-law, E.K. Wimmer, is one of the most talented and creative people I've ever met!  He can do practically anything!  He is a talented photographer, a drummer, plays base on our church's worship team, artist, comedian, and the list could go on and on.  He just isn't afraid to try new things.  I love that about him!

He's currently in a contest to be eligible for a funding prize that he could use for a future film project.  This first round of the contest is solely based on public votes (that's where you come in) and only the top 10 get to go onto the next phase of being assessed by the judges.  Right now Eric's film is in 11th place!   Oh man, SOOOOOO Close!  He hasn't lived in Wyoming that long so doesn't have the name recognition yet here. 

Can you help him?  Go to  to vote.  If this is your first visit you will have to sign-up, go to your e-mail to verify, and then bop back to vote.  You vote by clicking on the stars.  I hope you'll want to give him a 5!

I thank you for taking the time to help.  You can vote today (Thursday) and again tomorrow.  I really appreciate it!

And did I mention his birthday is this week-end?  I'm just saying...

Good-bye Dora!

OK, I already admitted to everyone that I still had bits of Dora the Explorer wallpaper in the room where I make things for Wyoming Rose Boutique.  Actually, it is a border I guess, that goes up about 3 feet.  The upper part of the walls are lavender with blotchy clouds dabbed all over.  Like I said, I started peeling wallpaper the day we arrived, while waiting for the truck to bring our possessions.  Well, once the truck arrived I got involved in unloading and shaking our possessions into place (I always imagine shaking the house from the outside until things settle into place.)  The Dora room was an extra room, serving as a guest room and catch-all for 6 1/2 years.  Somehow, I never got back to it.  Maria occasionally picked at the wallpaper when they visited us, before they moved to Wyoming, but mostly Dora was ignored.

Last Fall, when it became apparent that I could not maintain my nursing job because of my digestive problems, I started sewing and making jewelry more.  I got back into crocheting and other crafts.  I'm in that room a lot now and I have to say that I'm a little tired of the Dora look.

This Winter, I received some boxes of fabric and crafts that belonged to my Grandma Rose.  I didn't have anywhere to put it all and I started making a double layer in front of the shelves where I had yarn and fabric.  It has reached the point where I can't shut the door to that room fast enough!  How did this happen?  I am a person who appreciates order and neatness!  I hated how it looked and I hated how hard it is to find anything in there now.  It made it so hard to feel creative.

Yesterday, I started!  I have removed the paper from 2 walls and have already painted the first coat on those 2 walls.  I've purchased a shelving system and I am feeling inspired!  I feel a bit of my old energy and I like it!

This picture is hard to see but I like to start painting jobs in our home by leaving a little message for Mike on the wall.  I like knowing that message is always under the coats of paint.  Weird, I know.

Hopefully, I will soon be showing you pictures of a pleasantly ordered room.  We no longer have the guest bed in that room so it is all for me and my projects.  That's really a dream come true!  Any thoughts what I should call this room?  Studio? Work Room?  Craft Room? Sue's Room?  Dora's Room? Wyoming Rose Room? Any clever ideas?

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