A number of years ago, maybe 13-15 years, a friend gave me this old glider. She mentioned that it has some tiny rust spots and warned me that I should be sure to spray paint it from time to time to keep it in good condition. I had expected I would do just that. However, it seemed to be a project that keep being put on the back-burner.
This Summer, though, I finally got the urge to get it done. So, I drug it out onto the lawn, scrubbed it down, and sanded on the rust spots.
Then, I started spraying.
I ALMOST forgot to spray paint my little love message to Mike. I managed to put a heart around our initials and that was about all I had room for.
I spray painted all I could from the top and then let it dry so I could flip it over to finish the job. OK, here's the truth. I let it dry for at least one month before I got back to the job! What is wrong with me? That last part took about 15 minutes at the most. I guess I just don't want to rush things!
When all was said and done, I was pleased. The fresh green color makes me happy.
That's a good thing, as I also ended up with a fresh green finger! As you can tell by the bare spots in the lawn, a green finger does not have anything to do with a green thumb! Maybe I should have spray painted the lawn...
Does anyone else procrastinate like I do? Please, tell me I'm not the only one!