I staggered out of the bedroom this morning and glanced out the window over the kitchen sink. I got a mug for my morning cup of decaf and suddenly, realizing it is almost May, snapped my attention back out the window. Wait....What!? Weren't we just outside raking and digging in the garden?
I had an epiphany! There are really only two seasons, Winter and Summer. The other two, Fall and Spring, are not really their own seasons at all. They are just season wannabees. Really, they are just episodes where Winter and Summer alternate days for a bit.
I know, I know... we haven't had the worst Winter here. That award goes to our friends back at our hometown of Turner, MT! Yep, they've been slammed continually and it just doesn't stop. I'm not sure they've even got to the period where Winter and Summer alternate days. It sounds like they just keep getting more and more Winter!
I was thinking about some of the Winters I've experienced up there. The first year my family moved there, my sophomore year of high school, the graduation ceremonies had to be postponed because most everyone was snowed in and we were enduring about a week with no power. I thought that was kind of exciting at the time, but it did start to get a bit old when you had to melt snow to drink. I was grateful we could melt snow to fill the toilet tank!
One year, when Mike and I were living on the farm, the big storm came even later! Maria was just a toddler and we were stuck out on the farm for days on end. School was already out for Summer break! We had to reschedule Vacation Bible School. After about a week of that we'd heard the roads were open and we were ready for our escape! We loaded up Maria and our suitcases, Mike threw in his golf clubs as we were headed South to the tropical vacation get-away... Gillette, WY.
We didn't make exactly a clean get-away. Just a few miles from home we found ourselves stuck. We didn't have a shovel as our trunk was full of our vacation stuff. That probably wasn't our smartest move. I remember Mike trying to dig snow around the tires with his golf club! That was kind of funny but I did NOT laugh. Eventually, we were pulled out by kind neighbors with a tractor. Yes, we did make it to Gillette and Mike did get to use his clubs appropriately. All was well.
So, I guess I'll not whine about our little skiff of snow today!
How is the weather where you are? Turner people, what's going on up there?