Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shopping Day

I don't really like to shop too much.  I thought I wasn't quite a natural woman but as it turns out, I've heard other women say they don't like to shop.  How about you?  Do you enjoy shopping?

Perhaps I should qualify my statement about shopping.  The truth is, I LOVE to shop on line.  It makes me feel guilty, though.  I feel I should be supporting local businesses, especially the small ones.  Do you feel that way?  So, today I am going shopping and I am leaving my living room to do it.

First on my list is a new washing machine.  Our's came with the house.  When we bought the house 8 years ago I thought the washing machine looked like it was on its last leg.  It died a noisy death this week. It has carried us along for 8 years, though, so I won't complain.  I wouldn't likely buy a washing machine online, either, so it makes sense I'd have to go out and about for that.  I'm not looking for fancy or pretty.  Our machine sits in our basement laundry room where looks are not important.  I just want clean clothes.

Next, I have to shop for work shoes.  Previously I've worked where I could wear closed toe hiking sandals, even without socks.  I've loved that for Summer!  However, I now work at a surgical center so the rules are more strict regarding staff footwear.  I'm really, really tempted to shop online for shoes.  I've had some great luck with Zappos and places like that.  If the shoes aren't quite right they are easy and free to ship.  They usually get them to me in 1 to 2 days as well!  I like to reward good practices such as that but I am determined to shop locally first.  Nurses out there, any advice on work shoes?

I probably  need to stop at a grocery store today as well.  I don't really know what I need just yet, but I am sure I need something.  I always do.

The first bit of shopping to be done today, though, is to hit a giant yard sale (garage sale).  Do you call it a yard sale, garage sale or something else?  Our whole subdivision has one week-end every summer where they pool their advertising resources and do their yard sales on the same day.  I do NOT enjoy having a garage sale, do you?  However, I actually do enjoy attending yard sales so that part of my shopping day will be delightful.  Do you enjoy garage sales?  Maria and Cordy will be garage sale-ing with me so that will make it fun.  Cordelia always adds a touch of sparkle and class to any adventure.

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I can hear the traffic in our neighborhood already picking up.  I don't feel the need to join those out for the early finds.   I'm content to look over the left-overs when I get there.

So, although I don't really enjoy shopping, I think this will be a good day.  I hope it is for you as well!

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