Today is the first day of my new job as a hospice nurse. I am excited, nervous, anxious, energized and all those things you might expect. After being off work for a full year, I am so happy to feel well and ready to work. I am so very grateful for this opportunity.
(This is NOT me but I feel like she looks today. This photo is from via Google Images.)
When I went in for the interview for this job I was pretty wound up. There were 3 women who interviewed me and I told them right off that I just KNEW I was supposed to work there and that I just needed to convince them of the same. I enjoyed the interview and felt so great about it all I worried later that I behaved too giddy for such a serious position. My confidence started to falter.
When I received the call that the position was being offered to me I was thrilled! The woman who called asked me if I wanted to think about it before I accepted I practically yelled, "NO!" I knew that I had been led to this place at this time.
Throughout this job search process I prayed and I know there were others praying for me. It did not come as a surprise to me that doors opened and closed along the way, leading me to the position that feels right for me. I pray now that God will continue to guide me as I am trained, that I may always remember who I serve and that He does His work through my hands.
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