Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Vacation From Our Stuff

(hotel toiletries, neatly organized)

This past week Mike and I have spent a lot of time in motels and hotels. Today it is time to go home. While I love being home, I have to say that I also enjoy hotel life, at least for awhile. I think that what I love most is that we don't have much "stuff" at a hotel. I once read that the real reason people go on vacations is to get away from their "stuff". It was funny but there just may be some truth to it.

The longer we live, the more stuff we accumulate. The more stuff we accumulate, the harder it is to be organized. The harder it is to clean as well!

I am a very organized person... in theory. I like to organize things. I like to live in an organized environment. I value organization.

The truth is, I am an organized person living a disorganized life. I'm not sure when that happened but I'm ready to be over it now. I think Pinterest has been inspiring me with cool ideas...things I can organize using just empty toilet paper rolls! 
Are you becoming over run by your stuff and feeling organizationally challenged as well? If so, here are a few blogs I found that might be helpful.  Happy organizing!

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