Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Our baby is 21 today!  It is hard to believe, except when you look at him. At 6'4" or more, it is hard to convince anyone that he's still our little guy.

Sam was a joy to raise and is a joy to know as a man. He may be a blue-eyed redhead but he is one of the most mellow personalities I've ever met. He is also witty and smart. He's got a soft heart and he loves his people. We love him, too!

Notice that Sam is still wearing a D.A.R.E. t-shirt. Didn't he take that course in about 5th or 6th grade? Cute, huh?

Cordelia and Elise enjoyed delivering his presents to him 
but the wrappings were still more interesting to them. 
Elise got excited over the brown paper!

 Both girls enjoyed the box.
Isn't that typical?

And now, as an extra present for Sam, I just want to sign 
off with some more photos from last month.

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