Sunday, December 06, 2015

Necklaces and Elise's Big Day

Mike and I often refer to our granddaughters as "The Little Girls".  Well, this weekend I took quite a few photos of the little girls. 

Saturday they came to our house for a few hours of fun.  They did some modeling for some be items for Wyoming Rose Boutique (coming soon), we went for a walk and we made jewelry.

Elise had seen a necklace she wanted when we were shopping one day.  Since I had all the supplies, I decided they could each make their own necklace.  They really got into it.

Cordelia wanted her's to be for her mother.  She often searches for gifts for others when we go shopping so that wasn't a surprise.  She sure has a generous heart! 

When the girls were busy watching an episode of "My Little Ponies" I made another necklace for Cordelia. When that little girl is watching a cartoon, she is VERY focused. Thus, she had no idea I had made her a necklace. When I told her I had a surprise for her I got an unexpected reaction. She frowned and said, "That's not fair if you don't have a surprise for Elise! "   Of course, it was all fine when she realized they all now had new necklaces.


Today was Elise's Preschool Christmas Program. I won't post any of the photos from the performance as there are other sweet little faces in those photos and I didn't ask parental permission to post those. I will tell you that Elise did very well. I especially loved when she continually twirled her pigtails in opposite directions. Now THAT was entertaining! 

I also loved when she waved at me then pointed out that she was wearing the necklace she made. Sweet! 

I did take photos after the program that are pretty precious. I will now show you so much sweetness that you will need to run get a bag of potato chips to balance it all out.

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