Monday, September 16, 2013

Change of Plans

This past week-end did not go as expected. Maria and Eric (son and daughter-in-law) had planned to attend a concert in Denver. I was to make the trip as the Granny Nanny. I made that term up myself. Do you like it?

Anyway, we were disappointed Saturday morning as we learned that most roads from Wyoming to Denver were flooded. We'd planned for a fun week-end in Denver, never guessing we'd not even be able to get there. However, it seemed wrong to pout about it when people in Colorado were suffering so much.

Anyway, I switched gears and drove North to my Mom's. You see, two of my nieces were visiting her and I was hoping to get a chance to see them as well. It was a quick visit but worth it. My Aunt Michelle took this photo of my nieces, Rachel and Sarah, myself and my Mom, Grace.

Rachel's beautiful daughters, Averi and Vaide, were along as well.
They are such smart and pretty girls!

Vaida is an author and illustrator!
She wrote a very clever book that we all enjoyed.

But don't be mistaken, these girls know how to be silly!

It was a nice little jaunt for me.
I hurried back home, though.

Cordelia and I were originally planning to share a hotel room in Denver.
Instead, we were planning a sleep-over at my house Saturday night.
More tomorrow...

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My Life as a Travel Agent

On a recent morning I was at work and as one of my patients was waiting for his death, I thought again about an idea that keeps popping int...