Friday, October 11, 2013


I woke up at 4:30ish today. That is not unusual as a lot of days I need to be heading off to work before 5:30. Today, however, is my day off. I had planned on sleeping in. It is raining on our roof and that makes for a peaceful, sleepy sound. All was set up perfectly for a good rest, but I blew it. I started thinking about stuff.

First thing this morning I woke up thinking that I need better prioritizing in my life. I really am blessed. I have soooo much good in my life, but I feel a bit frustrated most of the time. Why is that? Well, I think I've got it figured out! That is one good thing about laying around in the wee hours, you have time to figure things out.

Here's the conclusion I came to. I have too much that is wonderful in my life! Poor me, huh? Yes, I have family and friends, home and yard, a satisfying profession, a room full of supplies for sewing, crocheting and other crafts, Bible Studies to attend, a great group of young people to teach in Sunday School, a computer that opens up an entire world of interesting things I'd like to learn...I even have an old clarinet available for me to learn on. Learning the clarinet, in fact, is on my bucket list. Completing a book I started is also on that list. I never seem time for those things, though.

My frustration comes in that I can't really do all I want to do and do it well. I hate that! Don't you?

Well, I've got to better prioritize my time. I do some of that already. I put my God and my family first most of the time. I will drop about anything to spend time with my husband, children or granddaughters. I don't want to change that. From there, though, I get a little tangled up in the smaller things and never get back to the bigger things. I sit down with my computer and check on Facebook, click on a link to watch a cute little girl getting surprised by her military Daddy coming home unexpectedly, I move on to read some medical news, look at cool animal photos... pretty soon I've used up an hour... ok, truthfully, I can use up several hours in the evening without even meaning to. That isn't so bad but it is time I could have used to be writing on my book or finishing up a special order crochet project. I enjoy a lot about the internet but I think I need to turn on a timer or something so that I'm using less time on it. I may even skip a day or two from posting on my blog at times.

How about you? What chips away at your time? What do you wish you were doing more of instead? What techniques do you use to stay on track?

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