Friday, April 25, 2014


We had a fun night Wednesday! We went to Chicago!  No, not THAT Chicago.

This Chicago...

OK, I realize that is not a great photograph. That was the best I could do. Oh, that is not true. I could have been like some people and just walk right up to the stage to click photos. That's really not my style, though. Too bad for you guys!

I was vaguely aware of Chicago (the band) when I was in high school. I'm sure some of you are gasping, wondering if I lived under a rock or what. Here's the deal. We did not get good radio reception and often not even good television reception. I just wasn't really exposed to a lot of the music. So now, I'm a bit of a late bloomer.

When I heard they were coming here, though, I purchased tickets as a birthday gift to Mike. As I was finishing up my workday on the Wednesday before last, I mentioned that I was going to the concert that evening. Thank goodness I made that statement to a friend who also had tickets to it. She was able to tell  me that I was a week early! I guess that is better than a week late but good grief!

Anyway, THIS Wednesday we went. We don't live in a big city so when we do get such performances here, it is in the middle of the week when the bands are on their way from somewhere to somewhere else. We like to support them when we can, even if it means we're going to be tired for work the next day.

Here's the sad truth about me though. I didn't even know what this group sang. A few days before, though, Mike started singing some songs to me and I knew them! I guess they've been part of the background music of my life.

The concert was really fun. I was stunned by the amount of talent on that stage! Man, those guys could play just about anything, and play it well! When we left, I wanted to know more about them so I laid in bed that night, long after Mike was sleeping, and Googled them. I learned that they formed in 1967 and that 5 of them are still the original guys! Isn't that amazing? I can't imagine how many times they've sung each of those songs, yet they still managed to act as though they were really enjoying themselves.

Take a look at this... it was filmed when I was in the 6th grade! They've now been making music together for over 40 years! Listen to this for a few minutes or all the way through if you'd like. Even if it isn't your favorite kind of music, I think you will agree that they are very talented people.

Who were your favorite musicians when you were in high school?

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