Thursday, November 03, 2011


Do you ever feel like you have an especially strong link with someone?  I am talking about things like frequently saying the same thing at the same time, wearing the same color more days than not or even buying matching clothes when shopping separately.

Maybe you feel you have an even stronger, more unexplainable link.  You've all heard about identical twins sharing things like that, haven't you?  I once had a friendship with an identical twin.  He told me about a lot of times like that.  One example I remember was when he got a sharp pain in his leg or foot, I don't remember which.  He said he had to call his brother, who was then overseas.  Sure enough, his brother had broken his leg (or foot)!

I remember a similiar experience I had in the early 1980's.  We were living in the Seattle area while Mike was going to college.  We had very little money and I rarely made a long distance phone call.  That was, of course, before cell phones.  Long distance calls were a costly luxury!  One day, while at work, I kept having this pesky feeling that I needed to call my youngest sister.  That feeling grew to a near panic level and I finally got out a credit card and figured out how to charge a phone call.  I had never done that before but I couldn't even wait until I got home.  When I called, my Mom told me that my little sister had just had emergency surgery to remove her apendix!  That was weird.

One time I was browsing on Etsy and found a necklace I really loved.  There are literally thousands of necklaces on Etsy but it turns out that Maria had chosen that same necklace and had purchased it.  I recognized it when she came to visit (that was before they moved here).  As it turned out, she purchased one for me as well.

This last week-end something kind of funny happened.  Remember that we went to our friend's farm for a hayride?  At one point during the afternoon Maria was roaming around taking photos while I was off having fun with Cordelia.  I was unaware of all the things Maria found to photograph.  Later, after Maria and Cordelia went home, I wandered around the farm taking photos of things that caught my eye.  We did not discuss all these photos but check out some of her's here.  I laughed when I saw the third one.  I'd found those same pipes on the edge of the property and also photographed them!  At the time I remember thinking pipes were a strange thing to photograph but I just thought they looked cool.  Here's the view I captured...

I am sure you all have similiar stories.  I'd like to hear them! 

Update:   Right after I finished this post and published it I clicked over to Maria's blog to see if she'd posted yet today.  I laughed!  It is a funny post with several quaint things that are funny but the part that caught me off guard was that in her post she'd made a reference and a link back to my blog.  Funny that she did that the same day that I made a reference and a link back to her blog!  Hmmmm....  Things to ponder.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

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