For days I've been taking photos like this...
...and this.
Day after day I'd take photos of Bode's dog dish.
I'd wait and wait, listen for my cue, then miss the shot I waited for.
Sometimes I'd almost get it, only to have Bode disrupt the scene.
But last night our little dinner guest squawked overhead for a bit. I've come to learn that he announces his arrival to the neighborhood. This time, Bode was sleeping. I quickly got my camera and then sat as still as I could on a chair in my living room. I waited and THIS time it paid off! Can you see our dinner guest in this photo? Sorry, but I had to zoom in and of course lost a lot of photo quality that way.
He hopped down by the dog dish and looked around a bit.
Then he helped himself to dinner.
He flew off but I heard more squawking and sure enough, he returned for dessert!
He took one more piece and was gone for the evening. I was satisfied.
Who knew that blue jays enjoyed Purina?