Yesterday did not go quite as expected. I'd planned to fill out and drop off a job application, get some groceries, go to an appointment, mail some packages and finish my Bible Study lesson. Mike got up, though, and thought it looked like a great day for a picnic. Monday is his day off but he often has things he has to work on anyway. I was thrilled that he was able to consider some leisure time so I rescheduled my appointment and off we went.
We headed to a State Park not far away. We wandered off down a path, marveling at the perfection of the day. Although we weren't far from home, for some reason it seemed more Fall-like there. The leaves were awesome!
Do you see how the grass is all laid down from deer sleeping there?
Bode liked the river.
We set up the chairs and made ourselves comfortable for waterside dining.
The sky was fun... can you see the turtle in the clouds?
I worked on my Bible Study lesson.
Mike & Bode explored.
We decided we'd pack up and move on to do some more exploring.
We drove on to a small town, still not far from home.
We leisurely drove around looking at neighborhoods until we just happened
upon the golf course.
I am using the term "happened" pretty loosely.
Mike's vehicle "happens" upon golf courses frequently.
I got the bright idea that Mike should golf and Bode and I should walk around the town. Mike tried to dismiss that plan as he thought I was just being kind. I convinced him that I'd enjoy my time as well so he gave in and he golfed while Bode and I wandered through a couple of interesting neighborhoods and on to the sweet little downtown. It was such a joy to have time to do that!
When Bode and I returned to the clubhouse I set him up with a bowl of water and I set myself up with some crocheting. The weather was perfect for my shorts and tank attire.
We had a good view for watching my honey finish on the last hole.
I think he's pretty cute when he is taking his golf seriously.
He finished with a big smile, having birdied the last hole.
If you aren't married to a golfer you may not appreciate how much a good golf round can positively affect the rest of the day!
So, the day went nothing like I'd planned, instead, it was PERFECT!