Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vacation for a Day!

Monday Mike had the day off so we lit out on a lovely day trip through the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, down through Ten Sleep Canyon, over to see the Castle Gardens, checked out the towns of Worland and Thermopolis and left through the Wind River Canyon, passing by Boysen Lake.  It was almost too much for one day and DEFINITELY too much for one blog post (I took nearly 300 pictures) so I will sprinkle it out over several days... and yes, I will edit. 

These pictures are all from the Big Horn Mountains and Forest,
 including Meadowlark Lake.  The beauty surrounding us was breathtaking.  Getting to have Mike to myself the entire day made my heart happy.  He's been so busy, today was a real gift...


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My Life as a Travel Agent

On a recent morning I was at work and as one of my patients was waiting for his death, I thought again about an idea that keeps popping int...