Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More Than Sagebrush

I love the drive from our town to the town where my mother, sister and other relatives live. It is only a two hour drive across part of Wyoming. It isn't through the mountains but rather covers mostly prairie. I've heard people say it was a boring drive...nothing but sagebrush...a whole lot of nothing, things like that. I disagree!

On my way home last week-end I decided to make a few stops to take some photographs. Let me share with you some of what I saw.

I saw a lot of horses.
They are so beautiful, aren't they?

Also, do you see the antelope behind this horse?

 Cattle are abundant in Wyoming.

 I saw a couple of buffalo herds.

This big guy was pretty majestic looking.

 Driving along there, you can almost feel the history.
It is not hard to imagine Native Americans riding living their nomadic life in this region.

Early settlers must have had adventures here.
It must have been a challenging environment!

My own great grandparents homesteaded very nearby.

Although it is easy to feel like few have been out in that lonely area before,
there are markers to tell you that the land is covered in history.

There really is a lot of sagebrush along the route.
I kind of like it.

 There are many, many weird rock formations. 

I couldn't stop to photograph all of them but you get the idea.

The landscape changes frequently.

I enjoyed watching this hawk soaring overhead.
On a previous trip I saw two bald eagles!
Sorry, not photos of them. 

Mama Deer led her twins to safety.

I was thrilled to see a badger up close.
He was in the middle of the road; I thought he was road kill
but he got up and scurried to the side of the road,
turned and looked at me as I passed.
A badger is kind of a rare sighting, especially during the day.
Sorry I didn't get a photograph.

I'm telling you...
... it is a beautiful drive.

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