Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shopping Takes a Lot out of a Girl!

I'm not really very fond of shopping but I have to say that shopping with Cordelia is a very fun adventure.

She is interested in EVERYTHING and discusses it all as we stroll around the store.  Her cuteness is dazzling.

Apparently, though, it is exhausting to be so dazzling.

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Looking at this Life from an Eternal Perspective

I have been having a joyfully busy life lately.  I am especially grateful for the time spent with family.  I am so appreciative that our son and daughter-in-law, Ben and Sara, were able to come for a visit!  The day after they left, I got to have a Christmas meal with my Mom and my sister and her family.  That hasn't happened since the 1980's!

During these busy times, though, I've not made time to check in on some of my blog friends.  This morning I checked in on Janine's blog, Love in Action.  Janine's baby son died 3 months ago.  She and her family are living with the pain of that loss.  On her blog today, as she shares her journey of mourning, she wrote this, "The only thing that brings my heart peace is looking at this life from an eternal perspective."

Isn't that so very true?  From an eternal perspective, this life is just a blip on a vast timeline, a timeline that stretches so far to the right there is no end.  This knowledge brings peace to me during times of stress or sorrow.  I know the miserable times won't last forever.  It is also welcome knowledge during times of joy as I know that after this life, joyful times will be unending!


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My Life as a Travel Agent

On a recent morning I was at work and as one of my patients was waiting for his death, I thought again about an idea that keeps popping int...