Friday, April 22, 2016

Sandals on the Frozen Tundra

We are all enjoying a visit from Sara and Ben. Since they live on the East Coast, it is a big deal to have them in Wyoming.

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Wyoming, sunny and warm. Considering that it snowed on the weekend, sandal weather was appreciated.

After dinner last night, we went for a little hike to the waterfall that is only about 5 minutes from town. As it turned out, it was still winter there! 

That did NOT stop Ben from enjoying himself! 

Although I bet his feet were cold! 


EJN said...

Looks like fun! Your family are adventurers,for sure! Have a great visit.

EJN said...

Looks like fun! Your family are adventurers,for sure! Have a great visit.

Lisa said...

My toes burn an ache just from looking at the picture.

Maria Rose said...

100% Ben

Sue said...

We did have a great visit! Sorry for hurting your toes, Lisa.
It was a bit painful to watch.

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