Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Case of the Mysterious Crutch

It is really windy where we live.  No, I don't mean breezy.  I mean REALLY windy.  Some days it blows and it blows and it blows with a dreadful monotany, only to be interrupted by gusts of 50-90 mph.   A few weeks ago, while driving the 15 minute route to Cordy's house (Yes, Maria and Eric live there too but she refers to it as "Cordy's House" so now I do as well.) I came upon a semi that had been blown over.  Unfortunately that is not that uncommon here.

When Beth Moore was here she was telling the audience of her shock when she arrived at our airport and got off the little plane.  She demonstrated with her body how hard it was to just stand up!  She then commented that she was terrified it would blow the bleach right off her hair!

Well, after one of those really windy weeks I found this in our front yard.

We often have odd things blow up into our yard but this was surprising indeed!  I couldn't quite come up with an explanation for this.  If it blew into our yard, was there a limping person also blown off course?  Had someone left this in their yard and it blew down to ours?  I was puzzled.
But then it was suggested to me
"Maybe someone was healed!"

I'm going with that explanation!

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bode's Trip to the Vet - AGAIN!

Yesterday I took Bode to the vet.  It was a pleasant visit in that the vet is a friend and I look forward to visiting with him.  It was an unpleasant visit as I was pretty sure I knew what the vet was going to tell me.

Last week I started noticing that Bode was having trouble with his back left leg.  He was limping or lifting it up when he went up and down the stairs.  At first I figured he'd just been playing too rough with Bumblebee, our basset hound grandog.  They had been having great times together so that seemed like a reasonable explanation.  When it didn't go away, though, I examined him a bit more closely.  I went online and did some reading and got a sinking feeling.  So, off we went.

After an initial exam Dr. Scott said he'd need to do some x-rays and as it turned out, he needed to sedate Bode in order to make that happen.  I went out to the waiting area.  When I'd first come in there was a little boy, about age 5, in the waiting area with two women.  They were both out of sight but the little boy was there with 2 couples.  He was kind of getting rowdy and the adults weren't really doing much about it.  I was concerned because he kept getting in the face of their large dog, who seemed to be agitated himself.  Finally, one of the adults told me they didn't know the boy but when the two women went back to be with their pet as it was euthanized, they'd asked these strangers to watch the boy.

So, I got a National Geographic and called the boy over to look at pictures of animals.  I gently reprimanded him when he threw a magazine to the floor, pointing out that it wasn't his magazine and he needed to treat it carefully.  After that, he snuggled up beside me and was friendly and well-behaved.  The women were gone for about 1/2 hr.  While I was happy to help, I was stunned that anyone would leave a little boy with strangers like that!

Anyway, back to Bode.

When Dr. Scott came to get me he asked if I wanted to see the x-rays.  I knew that was a bad sign as no one offers to show you boring x-rays.  As it turned out, my internet diagnosis was correct.  Bode has hip dysplasia.  It was worse than I thought.  His left hip is almost totally out of the socket and his right hip is only a little less bad. 

So, we have some choices to make.  There are 2 different surgical options or we can just treat his pain.  I expect it will be surgery as he's not even a year old.  There is still time to prevent the arthritis that would surely be his future.  Nothing has to happen too quickly.  We were given some good pain meds for now and the doctor will be getting back to us with recommendations and prices.  I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this from me!

In the meantime, enjoy these photos of Bode sleeping off the sedation.  He's pretty, isn't he?  One of the vet techs told me he was the prettiest dog she'd ever seen!  Well, that's something.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Inspirations

Happy Monday!

I'm still speed-crocheting and it is still fun.  I really wish everyone could crochet as it is a cheap form of therapy.  I find it very calming.

I completed 2 ponchos and 3 hats this week-end so I'm making progress on the list of things I to which I committed.  These are things people have ordered for gifts for their friends and family.  I love doing it and my work schedule at Hospice is light this week so hopefully I will be able to get everyone's items to them in plenty of time.

I did take some time out to enjoy family last night.  Maria and Eric brought Cordelia and Bumblebee over for pizza night.  After pizza we enjoyed a game of Farkle.  Do any of you play Farkle?  It's quick and easy to learn but involves enough strategy to make it fun.We  made sure Cordy was having a good time as well.  She'd sit on Grandpa's lap for awhile, shaking dice for him.  She'd sit on my lap for a chair ride.  Our chairs are the kind on rollers so we'd push off from the table to roll across the floor toward the stove, then push off from the stove and roll back toward the table.  I also brought out plastic containers from my cupboard for her to stack and sort.  Yes, all this activity did make it trickier to play the game.  I lost and that must be the reason.

On another subject...

How many of you are scrapbookers?  I'm not.  However, I greatly admire those who are.  I know at least 3 of my friends who scrapbook... Nicole, Kate and Donna.  Are you guys working on anything special for Christmas?  Kate has a site of her own that I think you should check out.   This photo is direct from her site.  (I hope that is ok with you, Kate.)  She's also a budding photographer.  Check out her blog, Transformed Creativity, here.

She does some amazing things with scrapbooking and if any of you are scrapbookers or wanna-be-scrapbookers this would be a good resource.  Kate can hook you up with some cool stuff.   

This morning I saw another interesting idea.  It was a type of scrapbooking maybe even I could do.  I got it from another blog, The Blue Moss Girls.  This photo is direct from their site.  Check it out!  I don't know these people but I hope they don't mind free advertising.  It just seemed like a fun idea and there are other fun ideas on their site.  They also have an Etsy shop and you can link to it from their blog.

So, there you have it... inspiration!

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Whether you are memorizing the ABC's of Bible Memorization or just checking in to see what the verse is for today, I think you will like this one.  The thought of walking humbly with God is fascinating, isn't it?  We live in a world where the word humble is not often lifted up as a valued attribute.  I find this verse comforting and peaceful.

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Just Doing the Week-End Thing

Yesterday afternoon I enjoyed some lovely snuggle-nap time with Cordelia.  This is the photo I sent to her parents via phone while they were on their date.  She was fast asleep in my arms and I was loving it.  Bode kind of broke the mood by throwing up 5 times, but other than that it was lovely.

This morning I spent a couple of hours at Curves.  The manager had asked me to come in to set up some of our Wyoming Rose stuff.  They were just open 2 1/2 hours but we had some pretty good sales so I was quite happy.

Now I am home.  I am cozy in my recliner about to do some more speed-crocheting.  No deep thoughts from me today.
I don't think Saturdays were ever meant for deep thoughts anyway. 

How's your week-end going?

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Bonus Day!

The truth is, I was just hoping to survive this week.  I've been plowing ahead through many busy days in a row with my job, church events and craft fair days.  It has all been good, but I was already tired when this week started.  Here's a breakdown of the last few days. 

Monday:  I worked from 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. before going to a meeting at church.  I got home about 9:30 p.m., ate a little supper and was just getting ready for bed when Bode had diarrhea on the new carpet.   After scrubbing that up, I crashed.  Bode was sick again a few times in the night but Mike took care of it so I could rest.  I love Mike. 

Tuesday:  I worked 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m.  I can't remember what I did that evening but I remember that Mike told me he missed me.  He was also tired, having been up in the night with Bode.  Did I mention that I love Mike?

Wednesday morning I made pies for Thanksgiving and did some errands.  After that, Sam and I picked up Maria and Cordy and met Mike at the mall for our weekly lunch at the food court.  I then came home and took a nap as Wednesday night I was scheduled to work my first night shift in years.  I worked 7:00 p.m. until 7:30 a.m.

Wednesday:  After getting home from work just before 8:00 a.m. I ate a little breakfast, plopped some frozen rolls out to thaw and went to bed.  Although I never did very well with sleeping during the day, I had a new plan.  I took a Benadryl and put on a pair of those eye coverings for sleeping.  What are they called?  Anyway, I put in a CD of sleepytime music to cover up day noises, set my alarm for 2:00 p.m. and fell immediately to sleep.  My alarm went off and I jumped up to see my clock said 5:00 p.m.!  I panicked, as we were to go to Maria and Eric's at 3:00!  Well, it was actually only 10:30.  Lesson learned, don't set your clock and alarm when you are too tired to see straight.  I went back to sleep until almost 1:00, waking with plenty of time to bake the rolls. 

After all that, we enjoyed a lovely dinner at Maria and Eric's.  Cordelia was in top form.  She greeted us and said "Happy Thanksgibbing" many times.

I was so grateful to Maria for taking on the responsibility of the family dinner. 

We usually go to my Mom's a few hours away but with my work schedule that wasn't feasible.  Although I was missing my Mom and all the family that we usually saw for Thanksgiving, I felt grateful to have this time with Sam, Mike, Maria, Eric and Cordelia.  I really missed Ben and Sara but was I was happy knowing they were with Sara's family for Thanksgiving. 

I just relaxed and enjoyed being a guest...

Maria had gone all out.  We enjoyed a beautiful meal, all vegan.  I ate so much I felt a little bit miserable for awhile but it was worth it. 

After that, I enjoyed time with Cordelia up in her room while Maria cleaned up and the guys watched some football. 

Eventually Cordy had everyone up in her room, most of us taking turns in the playhouse with her.  It was wonderful!  Later, the guys went out to watch more football while we girls came to our house to watch Netflix and let the dogs play. 

So today, I am still in my jammies just relaxing for awhile.  It feels like a bonus day with only good things planned.  I am NOT going shopping!  Black Friday scares me.  Instead, I will be crocheting.  Technically it is work as I am fulfilling Christmas orders for Wyoming Rose Boutique, but it feels like fun.  Right now I am working on a mother-daughter set of matching ponchos and hats.

Cordy will be here for lunch and snuggle time.  We'll watch the Wonder Pets, rock and likely have a snuggle nap.  Mike and I may go to a movie later.  See what I mean?  It's bonus day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you thinking about the things for which you are thankful today?  Holidays are sometimes a bit stressful and packed with busyness but for a moment, anyway, I want to think about all that I have.

I am grateful for so very much in this life.  I have a warm home, plenty of food and so many possessions that my every need is met.  I am truly thankful for these things but as I pondered thoughts of gratitude I was certain of that which I am most grateful...  love.

Never in my life have I felt unloved.  Never.  I wish everyone could say that.  I am not saying that everyone loves me, only that there has never been a moment when I didn't have someone who did love me.  I do not remember a time when I did not feel the love of God.  I have always had family that loved me.  Over the years I have been blessed with the warmth of true friendship, people who have cared for me during times of need and rejoiced with me through times of elation. 

So, I give thanks.  Thank-you to God for EVERYTHING and thank you to the people in my life who bring me such joy.  I am blessed.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hospice Musings

I think I am getting more wise just by working at hospice.  Ok, that may not be true but I do think it helps to build a more realistic perception of life.  The truth is, we are all terminal.  That shouldn't be bad news, though. 

I think of our lives as being on a timeline.  On the left end of the timeline is a little teeny dot that represents our lives from conception to death.  To the right of that dot, as far as you can see, is our life in eternity.  That means that the time we are separated from our loved ones is such a tiny speck, it is almost no time at all.

For the patients who are not believers of eternal life, I understand how death could be a frightening prospect.  For Christians, though, it should be thought of as a a time when we get to open the best present ever.  We're human, though, and the unknown can be scary.  I understand that. 

I've already received a lot of comments from people who are very curious about how I can work daily with people who are dying.  I will tell you that it is an honor and a pleasure to do this work!  I feel very grateful for this opportunity and wish everyone had this chance. 

Working with the patients is not the hardest part of the job.  The part that is hard is working with the families.  They are the ones for whom I have the most sympathy.  Their pain is what I don't know how to treat.  Their tears are the hardest to see.

I try to remember to wear a cross to work every shift.  The reason I do this is so that the person who is dying, or their family and friends, will know that I am a Christian.  If they want to talk about Jesus, I want them to know that I will make time to listen.   Perhaps that is the most important part of my job...listening.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary King James!

I have something really cool to show you!  We recently received a really unusual gift.  It was given to us for Pastor Appreciation Month.  That's funny, huh?  I sometimes get gifts during Pastor Appreciation Month and I am not a pastor.  Mike never ever gets gifts fiation Month.  Anyway...

It is the 500th anniversary of the King James Translation of the Bible.  Did you know that?  I did not know it until my friend, Celia, told me.  She'd found a remake of the translation as it was in 1611!

Here's a peek inside.   Some of the words are a bit tricky but it sure looks pretty.

Thanks for letting me share.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Craft Fair in My Rear View Mirror

Whew!  The craft fair this past week-end was a  LOT of work and I think both Maria and I were pretty worn out.  It was fun, though.  We got to see a lot of people we knew and we also met some we didn't know before.

As for sales, it was not quite what we'd dreamed but it was ok.  We sold quite a few things. 

This little hat, made by Maria, went to a little baby girl with a TON of black hair.  It looked so cute!

When Cordelia was there one of us walked around with her quite a bit, while the other stayed at our booth.  Cordy was looking pretty cute in one of the ponchos and people were stopping to comment on her cuteness.  One such time an older couple was trying to talk to her, telling her what a pretty girl she was, but thankfully couldn't hear her comment.  She kept saying, "I tooted.  I tooted."  I decided it was time to move on!

Maria and I agreed that we liked it when people came to look at our creations and made nice comments even when they didn't make a purchase.  Quite a few crocheters from other booths came to look over our things and several asked where we found all our patterns.  I think they were surprised to know that we almost never follow patterns.  We both kind of like to create more free-style.  Luckily I am better at freestyle crochet than I am at freestyle cooking!

It was fun to people-watch at the craft fair.  Do you like to do that?  We saw some interesting people but I think the winner had to be the man who strolled by both days, wearing shiny dresses and some kind of dangly headband on his nearly bald head.  I have to say it wasn't my favorite look but he was memorable.

I will be busy working at hospice these three days before Thanksgiving.  How about you?  Are you busy getting ready for Thanksgiving?  Are you having company or are you someone's guest? 

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Is anyone still working on the ABC's of Bible Memorization with me?  We're ready for G now...

1 John 4:16b God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Yay for Bitter Cherry Spray!

Our dining room has sliding glass doors.  For months now they have looked like this...

The window has been bare with no window coverings.  That is because the canine member of this family ATE the previous vertical blinds.  If you remember, he ended up with a partial obstruction, resulting in a big vet bill.  Here's a reminder of how pretty he made those old blinds... every single one of them!

Recently, however, I decided to give it another go.  I chose the cheapest blinds possible as I didn't really have high hopes of success.  Then, I found this...

Have any of you used this stuff?  I am SOOOOO happy to have found it!  I put up the new blinds and sprayed them and then I waited.  I didn't have to wait long for Bode to come take a taste.  He most definitely was NOT  impressed.  I sprayed it on the throw rug, the garbage can, the couches, the recliners, the stone around the fireplace (yes, he tries to chew that as well), the end tables... you get the picture.  It has helped a lot! 

I did find a drawback today, though.  Cordelia was at our house and Maria gave her a cookie.  She took a little taste and wouldn't eat any more of it.  Maria then took a bite and discovered that it tasted like Bitter Cherry Spray.  Cordy's sweet little hands had been playing with the vertical blinds just before she took the cookie.  Oops. 

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

True Love or Idolatry?

I heard an interesting comment on KLOVE yesterday.  To be honest, I tuned in at what seemed to be the last few sentences of a thought-provoking conversation.  They were discussing how we (humans) try to find something or someone to idolize.  I totally agree with that.  That isn't new.  Biblically the Israelites were constantly being pulled away from following the idols of other nations as well as creating their own.

When some people think of worshipping idols I know they think of a gold or marble statue.  Most people I know wouldn't think of idolizing a man-made statue.  However, I was taught that anything we let become more important to us than God could be considered our idol.  That could include money, cars, houses, sports or really anything.  The discussion on KLOVE was something different yet.  They were talking about idolizing a person. 

Although I missed most of the discussion, I did find the letter that started their discussion posted on their site.  It was from Scotty Smith, Pastor for Preaching, Christ Community Church, "’s idolatrous to give anybody the power to make us through their affirmation, or destroy us by their rejection."  Wow!  My first thought was that a lot of old love songs have it all wrong!  The attitude of I'll-just-die-if-you-don't-love-me or I-can't-live-without-you is wrong from many different angles but I'd never thought of it as idolatry.  What do you think?

The more I thought about it the more I agreed.  To allow anyone, even your most beloved people, to have that kind of power over you really is a form of idolatry as it totally gets in the way of you fulfilling your calling as a Child of God.   When pondering this I first thought of teenagers and the drama of love in their lives.  If a teenager believes their happiness is dependent on the acceptance of another, that is taking God to a lower level.  That is idolatry.

I thought this out even further.  I think most of us who are happily married, at some point, wonder how we could possibly be happy if our spouse were to die.   I've seen people wrap their grief around themselves and hold onto it for years, allowing that grief to keep them from living as a confident Child of God.  Is that a form of idolatry?  I had never thought of it that way but I kind of think maybe it is.

However you think of it or look at it, anything that comes before God in your life is likely idolatry, even if it is a person.  We are called to love others.  We are made to have sustaining relationships but none of them should ever be more important to us than our relationship with God.  That's what I think.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Grandparenting Up Close

Is there anything better than holding a sweet child in your arms while reading a book about baby animals?  I think not.

Mike took this photo one recent evening when Cordelia spent a few hours with us.  When she comes over, she is a delight the entire visit.  She doesn't throw fits for us or cry when her parents leave.  She's delighted with almost any little thing we do and she frequently, without prompting, tells us she loves us and gives us powerful little girl hugs. 

This tiny charmer is super smart as well!  Riding in the car yesterday she wanted to discuss each turn, usually correctly stating whether we were going left or right.  She knew the way to the mall!  We were going there for our usual "mall lunch", a weekly ritual.  This lunch was special, though.  We were meeting Mike's sister, Karen, who was in town for some appointments.  Cordelia was planning ahead.  She told me she was going to give Karen a BIG hug.

Time with Cordelia is one of my greatest joys.  It makes me feel rather guilty, though.  During most of the years our children were young we lived a great distance from either of their grandmothers.  I have to say I don't think I really got it.  Now I know what exquisite delight it is to be able to see this little person many times each week and I am so sorry that Grandma Carol and Grandma Grace did not get that with our children. 

I think there was a lot of good in the way things were in the past, when many generations of family lived in the same area.  Don't get me wrong.  I love that my children have so many opportunities and can follow their dreams.  I would never want to deprive them of that.  My own mother never ever made me feel guilty for following mine. 

I also know that with our 3 children, it is unlikely that I will be able to always live close to all my future grandchildren.  I guess that is why I am savoring every moment I can right now.  I have come to appreciate "moments" so much more than I ever did before.  I'm just very, very grateful for this chance at up-close grandparenting.  I see it for the precious gift that it is.   

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Busy...But in a Good Way

Whew!  I have been soooooo busy!  I have been pushing myself to get a lot of things done recently and I just finished 3 days of the 12 1/2 hr shifts at Hospice.  It's all good but I think the dream last night was a bit meaningful.  I dreamed some kind of avalanche fell from the sky, burying me.  I had to work and work to get to the top of the snow to find a place to breathe.  Hmmm...

One of the things that has kept me busy (but happily so) is that I've taken a LOT of orders for crocheting ponchos and hats.  I'm still not caught up but I'm working on it.  Also, Maria and I are preparing for a BIG craft fair this week-end.  Here's a sneak peek of some of those items (also found at our shop)....

This is just a sampling!  I wasn't kidding when I said it has been busy around here! 

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Art If I Say It's Art

One day, several years ago, I decided that I should teach Maria how to do a macrame wall hanging.  We found some cool yarn and as I started to show her the macrame techniques, I decided the yarn was so lovely as it was, I didn't want to mess it up with knots.  I put it on a big ring and hung it over our stairway.  Admittedly, that is weird, but I still love looking at it so I guess maybe it isn't so strange after all.  What do you think?

I don't think I ever did show Maria how to macrame.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


How's everyone doing with the ABC's of Bible Memorization

I love the verse we have for this week!

Ephesians 4:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sign Language

When I was in 8th grade I learned, along with some of my friends, how to do the alphabet in sign language.  We thought we were pretty clever.  We didn't need to pass  notes in class as we could talk with our fingers!  Well, most of what we signed were lively conversations such as "Hi" and maybe "How are you?"  As it turned out, having to sign each letter of a word was very tedious and not that much fun.

Later, I really became enthralled with signing.  I actually thought that when I graduated high school I would go on to become an interpreter for the deaf.  I'd picked out a college and thought maybe I'd even become a teacher for deaf children.

I discovered that was not my path.  However, I still love watching people use sign language.  At the Beth Moore/Travis Cottrell event I was seated where I could watch the interpreter a lot.  It was beautiful, especially the singing.  At one point they had her on stage to do a song.  I took some photos.  They don't show the true beauty but maybe you can get the idea.

I have forgotton what the song was but the last photo depicts Jesus on the cross.  It was so beautiful to watch.  I wish you could have been there.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Thank-You to the Veterans

It's Veteran's Day!

It's pretty easy to just slip on past this day if you've no direct involvement with a veteran, isn't it?  I know there have been years when I took very little note of it.  Shame on me!

I think of myself as a peaceful person.  I think war is a symptom of our broken world.  I hate it.  I hate that we even need our military. 

However, I am very grateful to our military, past and present.  I know there is evil in this world.  I know many citizens of this Earth do not enjoy the freedoms that I so easily take for granted and I know that I owe a lot of that to our strong military. 

(A.G. McLaughlin - my Grandpa Red)

So to all those who are currently protecting us and those who have protected us in the past, I say a simple but heartfelt thank-you.

Thank-you for stopping by. Feel free to use my photos but please link them back to my blog. I am honored if you wish to share content of any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it is linked back to my blog.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Mom's Sewing Machine

I have something I want to show you!

It's my Mom's sewing machine and cabinet.  She decided her sewing days are behind her and she has given it to me.  It had to hang out in the basement during all the carpeting hoopla, but it is at home in the Rose Room now and I am so happy!  I set it up so that when I sew I can face the room instead of the wall.  I love seeing all the stacks of fabric as well as the colorful yarn.  I think it is inspiring.

This is the front side of the cabinet.  Mom used it for many years so it has some character.

One year she had some puppy troubles of her own and the cabinet developed more character yet...

Here's the fancy part!  The sewing machine is nestled down inside the cabinet when not in use.

There is a cool lever that makes it smoothly glide up to position when I am ready to sew.

I'm excited to have this in my home.  It feels like having a bit of my Mom here.  She used this machine to sew such beautiful things!  She made men's suits, lingerie (not for men), beautiful quilts and clothes for our whole family.  She used this machine to sew for many others over the years as well.  She sewed a LOT!  I remember coming home from school and finding her sewing most days.  I'd plop myself on the bed (she didn't have a Rose Room so she sewed in the bedroom) and blabber on about my school day.  I can't imagine that I had much that was terrribly interesting to say but she listened as though I were fascinating.

My Mom made my wedding dress on this machine.  I had a clear vision in my head of the dress I wanted but we couldn't find a pattern to match.  Mom had me just sketch the dress.  In case you don't remember, I only carry the artistic gene, I do NOT draw well.  Nevertheless, she managed to get the idea.  She measured me one morning before I went out the door and when I returned that evening, my wedding dress was on the hanger! 

I am not the seamstress my Mom is, but I do love to sew.  I'm so grateful that she taught me to sew and crochet as they are two of the hobbies that bring me the greatest joy.  It is just so wonderful to take pieces of fabric and turn them into something pretty to wear or a quilt to keep you cozy for years.  It was also wonderful to have a Mom who took the time to show me what she was doing and to encourage me to create things for myself.  Thanks, Mom, for the sewing machine and for the memories!

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