Yesterday was the day! It happens to me every Spring. I get all excited about digging in the ground and planting things. One of my favorite days of the year is when Maria and I take the girls and we go off to buy fresh plants.
It was a beautiful day to do it! We were enjoying a warm, sunny day with the girls. It was so much fun to look at all the pretty trees, bushes and flowers. We were at an outdoor display and there were little birds flying around us and even a little bunny hiding under one of the displays. Elise and Cordelia were charming me as they shared their thoughts with me.
At one point, Maria called across a row of bushes, telling me to look up. This is what I saw overhead. Actually, they seemed a lot closer and more clear in person, but this is the best I could do with my phone camera.
It was pelicans! They are not a common sight around here, but they do come through from time to time. I'd only ever seen a few at a time but this was an impressive flock. There were probably about twice as many as you can see in this photo. Yes, I did worry a bit about what could fall on us, but nothing bad happened and it was just such a cool sight!
When I got home, I had a lot of ground prep work to do so I didn't actually plant my new plants. I was already in bed when I looked up the weather on my Kindle and when I saw how cold it was going to be, I had to get up and go out on our deck to drag them all in. It was a good thing I did as today was quite chilly.
As you can see, it was no longer sunny and bright today, but I still wanted to take a photo of my favorite new bush. It is a pussy willow and I am delighted with it.
Isn't it cool!
I love the little flowers, or whatever they are called.
They make me think of asteroids or something.
But look at them from this view.
Actually, look past them.
Do you notice that our lawn is once again white?
Yes, that is snow.
It is melting quickly, though.
This afternoon, everything was dripping outside.
I enjoyed how all these drops lined up, waiting their turn to drip.
But inside our kitchen, on our counter, it looks like Spring.
Is it warm where you are yet?