Thursday, March 31, 2011

Honoring Vietnam Veterans

My son-in-law, Eric, is a curator at a veteran's museum.  He spends a lot of his time with veterans and has become quite an advocate on their behalf.  One project he's been working on is a large display for Vietnam Veterans.  At this museum, each display is about a particular veteran, his  or her story, in addition to things such as letters, uniforms, etc.  

Eric's Dad is a Vietnam Veteran and this display features his story.

Yesterday was Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Celebration Day.  As we know, many soldiers  returning from the Vietnam War were treated with disdain.  They were sent to fight a war and all the horrors that come with that experience, and then returned to a country that didn't want to thank them.  Eric's Dad said he was even spit upon.  Today was a day we could say, "Thank-you".  It's not about the politics of the war.  It's about remembering that a lot of these people were just kids when their lives were interrupted to fight a war.  Many didn't make it back.  We were really proud of Eric and the work he did to bring honor to these men and women.

The press was there, many veterans and their families were there, senators, even the Gov. of Wyoming.  We were all there to show support and to say "thanks".  Good job, Eric!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nutty New Friends

Well, besides starting a blog, I also decided to dabble in the world of Twitter.  It is a strange world there my friends!  You have to become adept at one-liners.  I wanted to do it to see if I could get more people to check out our Wyoming Rose Boutique.  I didn't really understand how it worked.  I thought I'd just write a line and the whole world would see it.  Aren't I sweetly naive?

Let me tell you what I've learned.  Yes, you can just type your one-liner and send it off, but likely no one will see it.  What you have to do is build up "followers".  To do that, you click to become followers of others and hope they follow back.  It sure seems like a strange way to make friends, huh?  And I thought Facebook was odd!

I found that close to 1/3 of the people I chose to follow would follow back.  Sometimes, as I read more of their "tweets" I had to, unfortunately, "unfollow" a few.  I try to not be a judgmental prude but I have my limits.

 There is a whole Twitter Language that I'm just beginning to learn.  Tweets are what the little one-liners are called.  The act of tweeting can also be called twittering, I think.  And it seems that those who follow you on Twitter are your "Tweeps".  If a "Tweep" "unfollows" you, it is heartbreaking.  You feel rejected.  It's a lot like when a friend in junior high decides they don't want to sit by you at lunch anymore.  But, you move on and just "follow" someone else.  Keep up with me on this stuff if you can.

Every now and then I find some really nice and interesting people.  Through their Twitter Profile (oh yes, I have so much more to teach you) you can click on through to see their blogs.  Some are trying to sell things but I politely take a look since really, that's what mine is as well.  However, I find some real gems among it all.  I'm following some delightful blogs now.  It seems strange to read about the lives of people I've not really met I suppose, but I find it more heart-warming than reading about the lives of celebrities and such.  I actually feel a bit more hopeful for our world. 

For non-Twitterers, here is what a Twitter Profile looks like...

The Nutter Sisters

@thenuttersister Shhh...she's napping.
Humorous Blog: Three sisters share a compulsion to reveal family secrets by way of clever entertaining stories. Enjoy! ~Helen

When you click on the link you go right to the blog of the profilees.  This is the blog
I want to introduce you to today.  I was drawn to it immediately because it made me laugh out loud!  I love to laugh!  Who doesn't?  This blog is written by 3 sisters.  You can actually pick up on their love and support of each other between the lines.  They are very, very funny.  I read part of one of their posts to Mike.  It was advice for women on how to manage the "man cold".  My man, of course, is not a bad patient.  I've heard, though, that some men are pretty mopey when ill.  Anyway, perhaps their blog is best read by women because when I read it to Mike, he told me they were "heartless shrews" and forbid me to read it again.  That of course, makes it all the more delicious!  You can find these ladies at but please finish reading the rest of this post before you run off.

These ladies not only followed me back on Twitter but they checked out and said nice things about it.  They offered to do an ad for us on their site!  AND, they aren't charging us for the ad!  Lots of sites charge pretty steep fees if you want to advertise on their blog.  I asked about a charge and there is none.  Here is the latest tweet from them: 
"It's so wonderful when nice people support nice people! Makes the world a happier place. :)"
I'd already planned to tell you about their site in a post, just because I liked it.  Now, I know they are not just funny but also quite sweet.  Please, take a look at their blog and click on "follow" if you enjoy it as much as I did!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Medals and Memories

Yesterday was not our typical day.  Mike and I ventured out of town to visit one of his sisters, Karen, and her husband, Greg.  They'd moved into a new home awhile ago and we finally got ourselves in gear enough to go see it.  We enjoyed visiting with them!

Karen entertained us showing family treasures.  I'll start right out by saying the most fun for me was seeing Carol's (my mother-in-law) old swimsuit, complete with ruffles on the hinder.  Yes, I said hinder.  Karen also had Carol's old square dance dress.  I had a hard time envisioning Carol square dancing but I'm not sure why that is.  She's tried a lot of things over the years and still takes classes on new things.  Carol is a very elegant lady and I suppose that is why these old items were fun to me.  I got a glimpse of her in another era.

Karen also had a lot of their Dad's military things.  George died way too early.  He died when we'd been married only 1 month.  Of course Mike has lots of memories of his Dad but they never got too far into knowing each other as adults.  It was precious to see Mike going through these things of his Dad's.  I think it made him feel a bit closer to him. 

Our son-in-law, Eric, is a curator at a veteran's museum.  He and Mike are going to go through some of George's military things together.  There are medals and other things that we know mean something.  Eric's head is full of knowledge of such things and he also knows how to do the research to find out more.  Mike is excited to show them to Eric.

Mike knows some of the stories.  I see the pride in his eyes when he talks about his Dad being involved in freeing prisoners from concentration camps.  If George never did another thing in his life, that in itself would've earned him hero status as far as I'm concerned!

It is rather a week of remembering veterans around here.  Eric has been working hard to prepare for the opening of a Vietnam War Veterans display at the museum.  Tomorrow is the big day!  We plan to go to help honor some of those who were treated with contempt when they returned from war.  They were given a job to do and they did it.  We need to thank them.  We're proud of Eric for all his hard work.

Monday, March 28, 2011

You Are Lucky To Be Different

After Sunday School I had a lovely conversation with one of the girls I teach.  She's a 5th grader and I try to instill words of wisdom in her.  I don't know if I managed that but she certainly gave me some words of wisdom.  I was so impressed with this girl.

First of all, she was wearing a kimono.  That in itself made me smile.  She is a very self-assured little person.  She told me she was wearing a kimono because her mother was going to take her out for sushi after church.  I told her I loved seeing her in her kimono.  I didn't mention that I also smile when I see her come to church in a dress that would be fancy enough for any prom.  She has her own special sense of style and doesn't worry that she dresses differently from other kids.  She told me about one of her favorite outfits which she calls her "optical illusion" look.  It involves tights, skirt, top all in black and white strips going different directions.  I can't wait to see that!

This young girl told me that one of her friends had once written about her saying she was lucky to be "different" and she hoped she wouldn't change.  I was happy to know that girls her age appreciated her uniqueness as special.  There are likely those who tease her as well but my little friend didn't really care about that.  She was very self-assured and confident in who she was.  I quite enjoyed visiting with her and left feeling she just might be able to be herself even in those peer-pressure teen years. 

Tomorrow I think I'll wear something bright orange...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


What are your plans for this day? 

We're up early, as we are most days.  Sundays have a regular pattern for us.  Mike usually gets up first, having some quiet time to himself.  I stagger out a bit later, my hair is usually, shall we say, "interesting".  Sometimes he teases me, sometimes not.  We'll go about our preparations and then be at church by 8ish. 

Mike goes about doing some last minute things.  Really, I'm not sure what he does because I go right in and look for Allen.  Allen is my friend and we share a traditional Sunday morning hug and then I hurry to my place on the Worship Team.  I don't want to give you the wrong impression here.  I LOVE to sing but I am not a strong voice on our Worship Team.  Don't call me and ask me to sing at a wedding or anything!  They are a nice group of people that include me and for that I am very grateful.  It is something to which I look forward all week.

At the end of our practice time, our daughter's family arrives and little Cordelia blows kisses up to me.  I LOVE that!  Grandpa then gets to walk around with her in his arms.  They BOTH love that.

The church service is great.  We are part of a congregation of a really nice mix of people.  From my vantage point on the Worship Team I can see little kindnesses done around the room, such as someone helping a newcomer find their page.  And of course, the sermon is always inspiring.  Mike shrugs it off when I complement his speaking abilities but he's very good and natural.  He likes to add in some dry jokes but people seem to tolerate that.  He's just himself and he speaks easily to the congregation.  I'm alway proud of him.

After church I have time for a quick hug or two from Cordelia then I'm off to teach 5th and 6th graders in Sunday School.  If you aren't around kids that age much, I'd encourage you to find a way.  I love that age!  They are inquisitive and joyful.  They keep me on my toes!  The best thing is they aren't quite yet too cool to get really involved in the stories. 

After church we sometimes go to the hospital to visit people we know.  On the way home we generally grab something to eat.  By that time Sam, who has his own wheels for church, has usually sent several texts to me, all asking for Taco Bell. 

After we eat Mike and I read the paper together on our big bed.  He likes to read a section, and then toss it at me.  By the time we are done, the paper is a mess.  It's really and odd routine but somehow it makes me feel special.  After all that comes THE NAP!  What's better than a Sunday afternoon nap?!

Later, Eric and Maria and Cordelia arrive and we enjoy lighthearted family time.  We eat a meal together, sometimes the guys go bowling, but we just enjoy being together.  That's a time when I most miss Ben and Sara.  It just seems like we should all be together.

So, that's my plan for today.  I hope your Sundays are just as delightful! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Kingdom of the Sky Queen

My daughter and her husband are both artists.  They are artists with a multitude of talents.  They take on so many different projects and I've no idea how they learn to do much of it.

Last night, they had an opening at a local gallery.  This show was entitled "Abstracted Landscapes in the Kingdom of the Sky Queen.  Eric had made a film by that title, and all the art displayed went with that film.  They even had the film playing in loops and the film's costumes on display.  It was really cool. 

This is my ever so talented son-in-law, Eric, anticipating a great show.
We were so pleased to see many of our friends from church coming to support our kids.  Cordelia made a showing and did the meet and greet.  She usually started small talk by showing her cracker and mentioning that it was "yummy".  Then, she would point to the pieces on the wall and say "art".  She also did a lot of "tweeting" because many of her Mom's pieces are bird images.

Maria showing one of her pieces....

A smiling visitor...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chasing My Own Tail

Being new at this, I get all excited when I see my follower numbers rise.  I always check to see who followed and then I try to check out their blog if they have one.  Well, it turns out that I'm apparently getting confused in the middle of my following frenzy because on multiple occasions I've discovered I'm following myself!  How'd my picture get there among my followers? Sometimes I'm following myself twice!  Now that's pretty self-absorbed, don't you think?

Like most people, I think I am pretty self-absorbed.  I don't like it and I don't want it to be so, but there it is.  I realize this is a survival thing; I need to be self-absorbed enough to notice when I am hungry, wounded, cold, etc.  That ensures that I'll take care of my basic needs and keep myself alive and well.  However, I think I worry too much about whether my clothing or hair looks appropriate, whether I've said something dumb or embarrassing (OK, we all know that ship sailed long ago), or if people like me.  I think about where I'd like to go for a vacation, what I'd like to have for supper, what song I want to hear on the radio...I think more about myself than others, no matter how I hard I try to do otherwise.  Sure, I may do something thoughtful for someone else, but I quickly return to thinking about me.  Are you like that?  Please tell me it is not just me!

Actually, the more I think about it, how can a person NOT be self-absorbed?  I mean, really, I'm inside my own head, day in and day out.  How can I ignore myself?  Hmmmm...I never thought of it that way. 

At any rate, I think I've crossed a line somewhere when I "follow" my own blog.  I've managed to remove myself several times but sometimes it just doesn't work and I'm stuck there, my face among my own followers.   It's embarrassing but probably speaks a truth.  I'm sure I'm more concerned about my own blog than anyone else could be.

So there you have it...I'm following's dizzying!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Confessions of a Pastor's Wife

 This post has been linked to the GRAND Social linky.

As most of you know, my husband is a Lutheran Pastor.  Last night we were at our Lenten Service.  Lent is rather a somber season during the church year.  It's the time we ponder and thoughtfully consider the time leading up to Jesus' death.  We learn more deeply about what he had to go through. 

Mike was preaching about how Jesus called out to God during the distress he endured on the cross.  Mike then spoke of how WE need to call out to God in our distress, not worrying about how to tell God our problems but to just call out to him.  He repeated, "Just call."  As he finished that brief sentence someone's cell phone went off.  The owner of the phone was seated near the back and I don't think Mike even heard it.  But I did, and I snort-laughed.  I'm sorry but it was funny!  I quickly subdued myself, realizing snort-laughing may not be considered proper Pastor Wife behavior.  I've yet to find the Pastor Wife Etiquette Book but I'm pretty sure snort-laughing would be a no-no.

So, I started thinking about other behavior lapses I've committed in church.  Even before Mike was a pastor, early in our marriage, I led him down the road of inappropriate church behavior.  We were sharing a hymnal while singing hymns.  I love to sing and was doing so with enthusiasm.  About the middle of the song Mike had to elbow me as I was singing the wrong verse, loudly.  When I finally realized why he was being so rude to me, I said, "Oh!" still a bit too loud!  THEN it happened.  We both went over-the-edge as we call it.  We started laughing with no control!  I'm talking the silly laughing where you have to cover your face because you are rendered unable to swallow and drooling is a likely possibility.  It's awful and wonderful at the same time.

Now I sing on the Worship Team at our current church.  My place is in the back row.  A few years ago the back row was all men except for me and Kylie.  On a particular song Kylie was telling me that during a part of that song, where the parts separate, she and I were to sing with the men on their part.  The way she said it was, "We'll be men on this song."  It struck my silly side.  Without thinking I imitated a woman in a current commercial who was herself imitating men.  I stuck out my finger and in my best dopey male voice said, "Hey Dude, pull my finger."  I said it a bit too loud and Kylie wasn't the only one who heard me.  I've been known as "Bubba" ever since!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Sometimes Forget

I didn't write the following.  I found it probably 6 years ago, printed in a church bulletin for an advent service I attended.  It really spoke to me that night.  I stumbled upon it this morning and thought it was perfect following the blog about fear that I posted yesterday.  I would give credit to the author but no name was attached to it.  I hope the poem touches you as it did me.

In the dark,
I sometimes forget the light will come, the stars will shine.
In the rain,
I sometimes forget the sun will come out, the land will be green and fresh.
In the rush,
I sometimes forget how to slow down, how to be still.
In the noise,
I sometimes forget the quiet will come, peace will return.
In the loneliness,
I sometimes forget you are always here, you are holding me.
In the cold,
I sometimes forget who warms my heart, who holds my soul.
In the fear,
I sometimes forget to trust in you, to lean on you.
Forgive me, God, for not remembering that laughter will follow tears,
Joy will follow the sorrow, healing will follow the hurt,
Day will follow the night, because I sometimes forget. Amen

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yesterday as I sewed I was listening to my Kindle read a stupid book to me.  Within the first few paragraphs I already knew exactly the formula used for the book.  It was a Christian Fiction book so I listened to the whole thing.  Why?  I guess I didn't want to be rude to another Christian.

Anyway, I'm a little bit glad that I listened because I did find one little sentence that jumped out at me and made me think.  The words that caught my attention were, "Fear is the opposite of faith".  Do you think that is true? 

I thought about this off and on throughout the rest of the day, and apparently I am still thinking about it this morning.  I started thinking about the things that make other people afraid, because of course it is "other people" who have these kinds of problems.  I thought of someone close to me (you know who you are) who is very, very afraid of cockroaches.  She has her reasons.  I also know someone who has a fear of being rear-ended (she also has  her reasons).  I also know and love several someones who have a fear of flying in small planes.  Again, there may be good reasons.  I continued in this way, thinking of a long list of things "other people" fear... thunderstorms, public speaking, making small talk, snakes, water, clowns, newborns, horses, and the list goes on and on.

I was working on a BIG sewing project so I had a lot of time to think.. finally I had to think about what I feared.  I like to think my faith is strong so if fear is the opposite of faith... this whole thing was making me uncomfortable.  It was a stupid book anyway, right? 

OK, OK, I'll confess a few fears.  I'm afraid of being late... anywhere.   I hate that feeling of letting people down or making them wait for me.  I think that's not a bad thing but there have been times when it almost made me sick to think I was going to be late.  Sometimes I've been really mad at Mike for making me late somewhere.  It's been a problem for me.  I remember one early morning when I was in high school.  I was rushing to get out the door when Mom said, "Susie, you know you don't have to be there to open the doors, right?"

I'm also afraid of witnessing a plane crash.  Yep, that's what I said.  I may be a little afraid of being in one but the thing that gives me those repeated nightmares is actually seeing the crash and then having to rush to the scene as the sole rescuer of many, many people.  I've had that dream over and over in many different forms. 

Along those lines, I have a fear of being bombed.  I don't know why.  I've never been bombed.  I've never even lived in a war zone.  But there it is.  If a plane flies over a little lower than I think it should, sometimes I just get the idea that a war I didn't know about is just starting and the enemy decided to bomb me here in the center of
Wyoming to get it all going.

A big serious fear that I have is of losing someone close to me.  Like a lot of Moms, I've worried about my husband or one of my children dying.  If they don't answer their phones, my imagination does mean things to me.

A year and a half ago that fear went into hyper-drive.  Maria got the swine flu.  That was when  the swine flue was big in the news.  They'd show maps of all the countries where people had died from it.  I was really worried about Maria.  She was already trying to recover from anemia and childbirth.  She was sleep-deprived like most new moms.  I knew that she was weakened already.  She didn't need this!  Still, all in all, I really felt she'd get through it and I thought I was handling it ok. 

But THEN, I started worrying about Cordelia.  She was this tiny little 3 week old person and I'd just learned about another local baby in ICU with swine flu.  All of a sudden I realized that being a grandparent compounded my worrying way beyond what I'd expected!  One day as I was driving home from work it hit me that if we lost Cordelia, not only would my heart be broken by the loss itself, but my child's heart would be broken.  Suddently, I was bawling as I drove.  I felt a near panic for Cordelia's safety!  What could we do?  How could we protect her? 

Well, Maria recovered and Cordelia never even got sick.  I didn't ever come up with a plan to protect her.  Maria and Eric wore the blue masks as a precautionary measure, knowing that Cordelia had likely already been exposed before they even knew they had the bug.  It all turned out fine for our family.

I said that I hadn't come up with a protection plan for Cordy but I guess I kind of did.  I prayed!   And prayed!   And prayed!  It was very apparent that I had to have faith that God would see the situation through to its perfect result.  I certainly had no help to offer on my own.

Now, I have perfect faith and fear nothing!  No.... that's not at all true!  I still worry about something everyday.  I have been given the gift of faith but over and over, I try to worry my fears away before I remember that I have that gift.  It makes me frustrated with myself but there it is... now I am worrying about worrying too much... 
God help me!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happily Ever After!

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase, "...and they lived happily ever after"?  Does a wedding come to mind?  Maybe a princess is involved?  Do you picture a young, good-looking couple? 

Of course we all know, there is no one who gets to experience only happy moments for the rest of their lives.  Even those in the most satisfying marriages still experience pain and misery in this life.  They can still catch a cold or stub a toe.  They likely will still face traffic jams, poor weather, health issues, financial problems, rising gas prices, clogged toilets.... you get the point.

I teach Sunday School and yesterday a young girl made it clear to me that "Happily Ever After" can happen.  She wasn't talking about a princess or even marriage when she spoke her words of wisdom.  She was saying a closing prayer shortly after we'd talked about living eternally.  She'd already said things like, "Help us all to have a good week".  She'd started another sentence with, "Please help us all..." when she lost her train of thought.  It is hard for kids to say public prayers.  In fact, it is hard for me...but that's another topic.  Anyway, this wise little girl finally came up with, "Please help us all....   to live happily ever after!"  She looked at me when she opened her eyes.  Her expression told me she was embarrassed.  She is about 12 years old and I suppose she felt she'd said something stupid.  I thought she'd said something incredibly wise!

Happily Ever After... the perfect way to describe life eternal with our God! 

It's that simple.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Yesterday Mike and I went to see the Adjustment Bureau.  I have to say it was thought-provoking.  The plot deals with the issues of free will, predestination, angels, God, ripple effects and more.

I am certainly not going to claim the theology in this movie is sound.  In fact, I think it made God (referred to as The Chairman) and the angels (Adjustment Bureau) seem like the enemy throughout most of the movie.  It also seemed rather humanistic, that is, I think it elevates humans to be on a level with God.  Maybe I took it wrong, I don't know.  I do think, though, that any movie that even makes people think about God at all has some edification value.

As a love story it is really compelling.  The main characters are pretty and easy to like.  On the way home Mike and I talked about whether we were destined for each other or if it was just chance that we meant.  Do we together reach our potential or did we in any way inhibit each other.  I asked him if he thought marrying me kept him from becoming the president of the U.S.  You'll understand that question if you watch the movie.

Also, I like thinking of angels.  I believe there are angels around us, visible and otherwise.  I believe they are kind and good and want what is best for us.  I never pictured them as wearing hats.  Again, you'll have to see the movie.

So, I'm giving it 4 stars out of 5.  I might have given it 4 1/2 but I kept forgetting the name of it.  I think a more memorable name would've made the difference.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wonder Pets!

A few months ago I'd not even heard of the Wonder Pets.  Does everyone else know about them?  Cordelia loves them and now so do I.  Well, I admit I don't watch them when she's not here, but it is something fun to watch with her.  She's really, really into them.  I'm into whatever makes this curly-headed little girl happy.  I love being her Grandma!

Friday, March 18, 2011


We are firmly into the church season of Lent now.  I didn't grow up with that tradition but I've come to really appreciate it.  It takes some getting used to, though, as it is rather a somber time.

We don't usually give gifts for Lent.  We don't even have jolly songs for Lent.  In fact, most are probably written in the minor keys.  They aren't likely to be heard overhead at the mall.  Unlike the Christmas Season, there aren't any great Lent candies or cookies.  In fact, many give such things up altogether during Lent.  Why?

I've come to think of Lent as a time we ponder what Jesus had to go through to get to the point of resurrection.  Easter is so glorious but it did not happen, could not  have happened, without Jesus first going through pain, humiliation, rejection and finally a horrible and public death.  We have to face the dismal truth that we were responsible for that!  This is the only way we can then experience the great relief of forgiveness for our sins- Jesus' gift to us!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Live and Learn

Drinking from this size of a container didn't turn out to be such a good idea...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday I brought Cordelia home with me, her Mom to follow a bit later.  Cordelia fell asleep in har carseat but woke briefly when I carried her into the house.  She didn't cry.  She looked around and realizing where she was whispered, "Grandpa, Grandpa..." and fell back to sleep.  Cordy and Grandpa have a delightful little relationship; It is fun to watch them together. 

I have precious memories of my Grandpa also.  I like to remember how he would take me around town when we visited them.  As we went to the grocery store, drugstore, or gas station he'd introduce me around (he seemed to know everyone).  I just knew they all thought of me as some kind of royalty once they realized I was his grandaughter.  Yep, he made me feel like a princess. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I recently enjoyed a nice family vacation to Arizona.  There, we spent time with Ben (son), Sara (daughter-in-law), and Carol (mother-in-law).  It was so great just to be together.  I really think a family commune would be a good idea but I can't quite get everyone on board with that. 

We made it to downtown Phoenix to see Body World and The Brain.  Have you seen that exhibition?  I was excited to see it and was actually quite awed by the experience.  Each body was posed to best show muscles, nerves, etc.  The exhibit included a baby in utero as well as babies from about all stages of prenatal development.  I think those were the ones most impressive to me.  Even at 8 weeks gestation, the babies were clearly human.  How can abortion be right?  Oops...I was just about to get up on my soapbox.  Maybe another day.

Anyway, Body World was amazing but knowing that the bodies were real people gave me a very odd feeling.  I wasn't creeped out but rather felt like I was getting a little too personal with strangers.  Just for the record, I do not want to be plasticized.

After the tour, we went for lunch.  The weather was lovely!

Here are pictures from our outdoor lunch...

 It was a good time.  I am so grateful for the ability to travel to family.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Women Supporting Women

Two things happened yesterday.  Both involved the interactions of women and it made me ponder the power we have with our most simple actions and words.

I received a phone call from a friend, always a nice thing.  We worked together at my last job and I so appreciate that she keeps in touch.  We had a nice conversation.  However, she did tell me that another woman had mentioned my name, blaming me for a problem she had caused herself.  It was just one sentence but it really caused a flood of negative emotions in me!  I wanted to do something!  I wanted to write the woman a strong letter!  I stewed about it for an hour or so.  Why would she do this?  What had I done to make her want to make me look bad?  Who else was she talking to?  Were people believing her lie?  I am sorry to say that I allowed this news to really sour my afternoon.

Then.... I went to Bible Study.

What a contrast!

Our little group had decided we wanted to offer encouragement to someone.  So, as a group, we decided to offer encouragement and support to a woman locally that we knew was under a lot of stress.  Most of us didn't really know this woman but she is an administrator of a healthcare facility that has been having a lot of problems lately.  We knew that she probably felt she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders right now.  In fact, we ended up deciding to spread the love and we are planning small ways to support not only her, but two other women who work with her.  We enjoyed talking about the little things we could do to let them know we are supporting them, without judgment...women supporting women.  Even just the planning made us feel good.

As I'm thinking about this I'm remembering other times when just a few words changed someone's outlook, if even only for a few minutes.  We have so much power! 

I watched a pharmacy clerk yesterday as she was preparing my order for me.  I've interacted with her many times before and she's always seemed a bit sad and maybe a little pinched, like she was tasting something bitter.  I'm a little scared of her.  She had a new haircut, though, and I was silently admiring it.  Finally, I decided to just do it, blurt out what I was thinking, "You've got a new hairstyle.  I really think it looks nice."  That's pretty much all I said but you should've seen the change!  Her eyes shot up and she looked right at me.  I don't think she ever did that before!  She smiled!  She tentatively reached her hand to her hair and smiled again.  It was a beautiful transformation to see.

We need to support one another, not discourage.  So, just remember, you have a lot of power!  Please use it wisely and for the good!  ...And use it often.

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